An Argentine air sub-tree for Germany

Is there any possibility that gaijin might considered AAM-5, AIM-9X, IRIS-T and MICA IR in 1 or 2 years ?

And AIM-120C-8/AIM-120D & R-77-1 coming to 2029 with rank 10 for aviation toptier ?

AAM-5 [non-B] might come soon if its IRCCM is similar enough to what we currently have.
Otherwise I would say late 2025 at the earliest.

Probably, at least the IRIS-T, MICA, Python 4, and ASRAAM because they’re older. They’re great missiles and alone would warrant .3 higher BR for their platforms over current IR missiles (keeping current compression rate of top tier). Nations that didn’t use more modern IRCCM missiles until later have just more capable airframes and/or Fox-3s they’d have for their equivalents.

AAM-5 uses a focal-plane array which is unflareable. That’s the same seeker type as the AIM-9X, IRIS-T, MICA-IR, and ASRAAM as seen on the TY-90.
PL-9C, AAM-3 (not in game tho), R-73M, and Python 4 use dual-spectrum seekers as seen on Stingers.




This just seems like a ploy to give Germany F-16s. Germany already has a strong air tech tree, and it will get stronger once the Eurofighter and F-35 get added to the game. There is no need for a subtree.

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More like to flesh out the mid ranks with some CAS capable planes…

As for the top ranks, a gap fill is definitely needed between the ICE’s addition and the Eurofighter’s.


Germany has great CAS options already at the mid-tiers. If you need more, just give the hitlerbolt bombs.

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Show me that “strong air tech tree” (almost as if you’ve never bothered to read what OP wrote). No good top tier CAS? Checked. No real alternative to the MiG-29 or F-4F ICE for the next couple months (if not years)? Check.

and it will get stronger once the Eurofighter and F-35 get added to the game. There is no need for a subtree.

“It’s fine, your tree might become good in like 5 or 6 years, for the time being just suffer lololz”


Typhoon is far away F4 ICE isn’t a F16 with AMRAAMS equivalent
And to say its a ploy they already have Argentinian vehicles in their ground tree why not air

I know the B does, but IDK about the first AAM-5.

“Yes, I support the sub-tree because I want an F-16.”

Germany already has the best tanks in the game at almost every tier (next to sweden). They have the EC-665 tiger which is very strong. Their spaa is also consistently some of the best in the game.

CAS is a highlight of the US tech tree which is mediocre in other areas. There is no need to make Germany even stronger than it already is and make the US tech tree even more redundant.

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Irrelevant to the situation experienced by the air TT now, or in the future. Changing the goalpost.

They have the EC-665 tiger which is very strong.

And you know this because you have it, right? Goalposting btw.

Their spaa is also consistently some of the best in the game.

Goalposting btw^2.

CAS is a highlight of the US tech tree which is mediocre in other areas.

So you don’t actually care about the situation Germany’s Air TT is in, you just came here to cry about US.

There is no need to make Germany even stronger than it already is and make the US tech tree even more redundant.

Right, come back to me when you progressed past Tier IV playing Germany in Air RB without having to resort to premiums & event vehicles.

“Yes, I support the sub-tree because I want an F-16.”

The most one-dimensional response you could’ve come up with, try this instead;

“Yes, I support this because I haven’t got any other real alternative in the long term, considering that Smin denied the Netherlands & Eurofighter for the foreseeable future, but at least confirmed Argentina has and always will be Germany’s BFF”.


I just use Tornado IDS for CAS in Germany cause it’s meta and kills Pantsirs easily enough.

No. For one, you aren’t the one establishing the goalposts. But even if I were to grant you that, the only argument presented for why Germany needs this sub-tree is for stronger CAS, which is directly related to ground RB.

The F16 would also provide a stop gap between the F4 ICE and the Typhoon

You seem to be a guy that really doesn’t want Germany to get anything nice

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LOL. Germany has tons of nice things. I think you don’t want US to have anything nice.

And what did Germany take with the F16 that other nations already have???


For one, you aren’t the one establishing the goalposts.

This thread is about the Air TT & how to fix it, the goal is included in the thread’s name. So well, you are in fact moving the goalposts. Honestly pathetic.

I think you don’t want US to have anything nice.


Aged like milk left out in the scorching hot sun.