An actual up-to-date, intuitive, visually pleasing bomb chart - LEGION's Loadouts

Hello everyone, I’m back again

I’ve been on a 7 month hiatus working in my Bachelor Thesis.
But I’m done now and I’ve continued work on the chart.
Over the coming weeks I will be slowly updating the entire chart. As some of you might have heard, they’ve added 2 new brackets for a total of 6.
Im currently updating all of the values in the detailed chart, after that I will be overhauling the Loadouts.

If you have any questions, please message me on Discord at legioncabal

Thanks everyone, have a good one!


Welcome back

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Welcome back. Shout if you need any help with testing British loadouts.

Nor really a question, more like a remark.

If you ever think about adding special cases (like incendiary bombs on “destructible” airfields) you might want to watch this replay:

Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On

10 German C 250 Flamm bombs killed the enemy airfield on a rare 3 bases map (2-7 to 3.7 BR range), more details here.

I dont quite understand it, what do you want me to add?
Information about destroying airfields on the 3 base maps?
I might consider it in the future, but first priority is updating all the existing content.

My remark should be seen as optimization proposal as your chart is (at least currently) not complete regarding the superior damage of C 250 vs SC 250 bombs (even on 4 bases maps with respawning bases) and does not cover the fact that we have currently 5 maps in the rotation which have just 3 bases and a “killable” airfield - even up to BR 4.7 - which have lower base health than bases on a 4 bases map at the same BR.

I see on these maps that less experienced pilots are throwing away potential wins by killing the enemy airfield as they drop either too much bombs on a single base or chose the wrong loadout.

That’s why i added this as remark in case you want to increase the accuracy of your data.

2 examples why the overview is not accurate:

  1. If you use a B-18B on a Frontline map (= 3 bases ) up to a BR of 4.7 a single M50 (=600 kg) bomb kills a single base - in your overview you recommend 2 M50s for a single base which is only correct on 4 bases maps.
  2. If you use a Do 217 up to 4.7 on a 3 bases map, you can kill 3 bases with 2 C 250s each and you have 2 bombs left for the enemy airfield. Your overview recommends 2 x SC 1.000 for a base (which is correct on 4 bases maps) leading to just 2 bases killed. BUT: Even in a 5.0 match on standard 4 bases maps 2 C 250s kills a base(if you hit the center of a base), so at least in theory you can kill up to 4 bases instead of just 2 as shown in your overview. I tested this in 4.3 Do 217 a few minutes ago…

Have a good one!

Edit: Added replay link for 217 match with 3,5 base kills, whilst bombing the third base the 2nd C 250 went too far; base # 1, 2 & 4 were destroyed in a 5.0 match.

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Well I wonder how you will make China Tu-4 in this chart…
As it receive napalms it seems like it could destroy 20 bases in one run :)
Update: Should This tips from PB4Y-2(maybe also other mine carriers like PBM-3) be changed?

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German Wellington one is wrong. it takes 5 250lb bombs, not 8
A-10 Late also doesn’t get gunpods.

Imho this is too early as the sea mines still have issues:

Community Bug Reporting System

Despite gaijin’s claim they would have fixed it, it is still bugged…

  1. I’ve mentioned in multiple places, that the values are intended for 4 base maps, which makes the most sense as 4 base maps are the majority of medium to high tier bases. If you happen to get a 3 base map, you should take roughly half of your payload, which I also mentioned in the chart. Nevertheless I created a new page called “Maps” where I plan to list all maps in the game and sort them into their 3 types. There are also some weird exceptions like 4 base maps, that still have half health and airfields. I want to mark those on that new page so you can just quickly check before the match starts.

  2. At your point of writing I haven’t gotten to the Do 217s yet. They just weren’t updated. I updated them like 3 or 4 days ago before reading your post today. They should be to your liking now.

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Holy shit the Tu-4 has napalm? Can’t wait to get to the Chinese loadouts. Just finished Germany and will continue with Russia next so it might still be a while. But I think I’m gonna do China right after because I need to see this for myself.

Also what do you mean by the mine tips? They’re still up-to-date are they not?

Same case here, you wrote this before I got to Germany, should be fixed now.
Just fixed the A-10 Late thanks for mentioning.