
Could the mirage 4000 get its proper number of chaff countermeasures?

A bug report was made and replied to saying they would be added when the seperation happened

Regarding bug fixes…

Will the developers please fix SMS Baden’s missing-floating mantlet bug already?

It’s been like this ever since the ship was implemented.

I can’t imagine it would be particularly hard to fix this, but it’s been broken and “acknowledged” for 6 months now and it’s just too frustrating to have that whole turret destroyed and even lead to ammo detonation by shrapnel just because it’s bugged.


And that’s not to mention M735 being ravaged with a wrong bug report and then having the correct report to fix it ignored for nearly a year now, but that’s a different matter.

Here is what i dont understand with the incendiary bombs.

The C250 has an explosive mass of 50kg

The C500 has an explosive mass of 157kg

Two C250 at BR 6 will destroy a base so 100kg of explosive mass

One C500 at BR 6 will only do 75% damage with 157kg of explosive mass.


Please let us transfer console accounts to steam. Thanks!

I think missile launch sounds and smoke trails are bugged out

In sim at least

Yeah I don’t think it’s been explained very well…

Paraphrasing, it’s: “You can use 3 little bombs to destroy a base, or, for bigger bombs, you’ll need to use at least 3 to destroy the base…” … ~confused~ huh?

VR Turret rotation bug is still not fixed!!!

VR Tank Aiming is Broken // Gaijin.net // Issues

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And yet you have yet to fix the fact that BOL are so weak they barely work and need to be restored to IRL levels.

Any chance of more aircraft actually getting them? The Buccaneers should have them

Thank you! Having the upgraded crew info more accessible is so nice.

bigger tnt bombs are always more inefficient than smaller tnt bombs in terms of damage porcentage, it also happens with normal bombs, thats how things work in this game

Example: Ju288(I assume you tested this with this plane since you said BR 6) needing only 22 of the 50kg normal bombs(25kg tnt, 550kg in total) but needs two of the 1800kg normal bombs(1000kg tnt, 2000kg tnt in total) because a single 1800kg bomb only does around 75-80% base damage

normal bombs also do a bit of small fire damage(also rockets do this too), idk if this small amount of fire damage can stack and is the responsible of this behaviour or not.

Except at 6.0 one 1800Kg bomb takes out a base. We are not talking about normal bombs as that’s completely different than incendiary bombs. The splash damage from one C500 is greater than two C250’s in explosive mass. The fire spread would be equal if not greater than two C250. So that means ether the c250 bombs are doing more damage than they should, or the C500 is not doing enough damage equal to the explosive mass they have.

The Ju288C can take out 4 bases with 8 C250’s or 1 1/2 bases with 3 C500. At 6.0 those C500 should take out one base per bomb drop.

I was testing the fire bombs in custom battle setting the BR match as 6.0-7.0 to get accurate base HP representation, I needed 3 C250 to destroy one base, or 2 C500 to destroy one base, and 5.0-7.7 BR bases have the same HP, so dunno if you where using the old maps with destructible airfield to test the new damage of napalm bombs

Also the SC1800 can only destroy a base in the old maps with destructible airfield(Malta, frontline Mozdok being the most common examples), in “normal” maps with respawnable bases, the SC1800 cannot destroy a single base at 6.0, unless they changed base HP recently without being documented in changelogs

I dont understand why you use different perimeters than what i give to prove me wrong in my complaint to the company about how their INCENDIARY bombs are working at BR 6.0 not 7.0.

When you do a custom match and set the range from 6.0 to 7.0 you are making a 7.0 match, not a 6.0 match. The bast HP doesnt change per map it changes based on BR level. So at BR 6 the 1800kg bombs kill a base with one bomb and the C250 takes two bombs to kill a base. At 7.0 those perimeters change as it is a HIGHER BR THAN 6.0. Please stop responding as you have no idea what you are talking about when im talking SPECIFICALLY ABOUT BR 6.0

At 7.0 those perimeters change as it is a HIGHER BR THAN 6.0 . Please stop responding as you have no idea what you are talking about when im talking SPECIFICALLY ABOUT BR 6.0

the SC1800 cannot destroy a single base at 6.0, unless they changed base HP recently without being documented in changelogs

from ILEGIONI bombing chart, last updated in february this year

from unkown authot bombing chart, 2023

These are the base HP BR brackets im talking about, thats why I didnt found necessary to test 6.0 since ITS SUPPOSED TO USE THE SAME HP POOL AS 7.7

So I decided to test 6.0 to confirm your claims, and you are in fact correct in your statement, so gaijin created new BR brackets for base HP at some point in the last 6 months without being documented in a changelog as I said

This gonna be a pain for the people that create bombing excel charts, since they are all kinda obsolete now with your discovery

@ILEGIONI you gotta keep this in mind for when you have the time to start updating your bombing chart excel, between napalm bombs being viable now and new base HP brackets being sneakily added, you are bound to have quite the work, seeing it seems you have the most up to date bombing chart out there

It’s now showing the whole thing but it always just says Default ammo, despite using another ammo belt.
I assume it should show the ammo type fired and not the belt.

Edit: Must be a bug:

I’ve had the wrong ammo belt showing too. On that one I’m not too sure why, from what I’ve seen.

Previously, many times when I get into a battle, and I’m at the start at the loadout screen, some or all of my ammo loadouts have reset to default. So I change them for that battle. Maybe it shows in the final battle message the original ammo belt (prior to entering the match)?

Edit: Just played a mission with the BF-109 E-1 with universal ammo (already selected) and it shows as default in the after-battle messages. So perhaps it’s just certain guns / planes that do it.

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There’s currently an issue where your plane spawns with default belt, regardless what is selected.
That might be related.

Edit: I can confirm that this is the reason. I didn’t notice because 12.7mm Air has the same tracers as Default but I noticed that half the 37mm shots self-destruct, meaning it’s actually the default belt with 50% AP-T rounds, even though I’ve selected air belt at the start.

So the system is working correctly, just the belt selection isn’t for some planes.

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Thanks for getting back to us with the info


Also I should mention, as of today there are 6 Brackets in the game:

I’m currently in the process of updating all the values, already done with 7 Nations, only Italy, Sweden and Israel missing.

After that I will be updating the loadouts.