AMX A-1A is a free kill

Hi, after recent BR changes AMX A-1A got moved from 11.3 to 11.0
Personally i think this is a joke, it is unplayable still, as it lacks firepower as well, compared to a-10a for example which is WAY lower. please take away its “good” missiles (no they are not good)
and make it 10.3 or 10.0 like a-10 or su-25k as it is currently unplayable and i think is the worst premium right now. i would love to have it refunded yesterday.

For comparison AMX which has AIM-9L which are comparable (if not better since they can ignore flares) and a better cannon (Vulcan) is 10.7


AMX A-1A should have dropped to 10.7 as the MAA-1s in my opinion are a sidegrade to the Aim-9L not an upgrade and in my experience have identical degrees of flare resistance. Maybe slightly favouring the MAA-1 as it is faster, and so has reduced time to be flared/for the target to react.

10.3 might be possible for it, but there are also arguably weaker airframes also at 10.7, so its a tough call.

I’ve only just realised they have different guns, but this shouldnt have much of an impact on balance either. The 30mm Canons are likely harder to aim, but do more damage per round and so the target requires less hits to bring down. Though neither should really be trying to gunfight, especaially dedicated fighters.

The AMX’s biggest problem is not in BR placement or loadout though. It will always struggle with ARB as ARB is made to be bad for ground attack aircraft. I have mostly played the AMX A-1A within Air Sim and it is an incredibly good aircraft with decent CM load (120 is double what most have), a very good Digital RWR and a decent bomb load (8x Napalm is 4x base kills). I would advice taking the AMX into Sim if you are willing to learn how to play that gamemode.

Additionally, I’ve played the AMX A-1A in GSB and found it very good for that as well and is a very potent CAS aircraft which is its primary role.

Italy certainly needs a better ARB focused premium at high tier, but the AMX A-1A is actually a fairly solid premium when played within its designed roles, which unfortunately is not really possible in ARB.

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from what I’ve played the MAA-1 is awfull in every aspect , Ive never seen the "45 G " work/be usefull the tracking is inconsistent and you will miss both your missiles with some enemies not even paying atention to you…

Also the MAA is faster but it has much less fuel which makes it terrible for anything over 5km aswell as the missile loving to lose track even if the enemy shoots another missile which sounds absolutely dumb not even considering the preference for flares over an afterburning jet engine

The payload for a 11.0 vehicle is awfull aswell , only having those guided bombs to support you in GRB which isn’t very good looking at its BR range in ground aswell.

In SIM my experience was very RNG based, If there were any sort of enemy on my way to bases im very sure that ill die, if not I can get those bases killes but there is a catch, if there is any other strike aircraft faster then you on your team good luck getting on those bases before him, you get so much slower by taking those bombs that it just becomes an early jet speed wise

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Its the long guidance delay. They pull very well after that delay, but the Aim-9L starts pulling much sooner and so overall probably ends up with a similar degree of maneuvability. When fired at something about 2km away, they pull very well, but suck when fired at close range.

yeah meanwhile the a10 living rent free feeding off flareless jets

Insert inaccurate graph I didn’t think about hard enough here

air sim? its not good as it struggles to turn because it can easily flatspin at low speeds for some reason.
sim is unplayable for it as all it can do is bomb and a-10 is just better at everything while being lower in br.

also American 20mm is just better, doing more damage by 30mm is negligible when you can put 2-3 20mm’s

either way it should be 10.7 at best (i still think 10.3 is better here)

So, it can do what it was designed to do?

If you are trying to dogfight in something meant for dropping bombs, then you will struggle regardless of airframe. A-10 may be better in some respects, though weaker in others like it is slower, and yes, the AMX A-1A should be 10.7. But I dont really see the issue in a ground attack aircraft only being good in ground attack.

Not done loads of matches in it yet, but was reliably making it too and from targets without much issue and was even picking up a few A2A kills along the way.

It lacks the 20mm minigun the regular version have.

it isn’t ‘lack’ of 20mm Vulcan.

The Brazilian version of AMX didn’t use 20mm M61A1
because they [Edited] can’t afford M61A1. so they used DEFA instead

I just gotta wonder why. Why take away the aircraft’s main air-to-air armament and turn it into a bomb truck? I understand being disappointed in a premium (been there before, damn Tu-1) but that’s a problem of not doing sufficient research before making a purchase.

It’s only 0.5s, while the 9L is 0.4s

@SidewaysCube946 that graph is highly inaccurate or at least misleading- it doesn’t take into account missile thrust or acceleration- it simply assumes that each missile is constantly at its maximum stat card speed and g-load for exactly 5 seconds - in reality missiles don’t work like this whatsoever. Hence the AIM-9B outturning the 9G and J in the rear-aspect chart by the same person! (Sorry for the @, wasn’t allowed to quote just a picture for some reason)

Wasn’t it because the US refused to allow the export of the M61 to Brazil?


Oh, damn, a Friend of mine told me Brazil loved DEFA. seems he fooled me :/

Thanks for the correction.

Exactly. The graph is a VERY simplified comparison, not taking into account the much more complex acceleration dynamics, and of course also nothing abou the seekers capabilities.

Still it’s gives a rough idea, and that’s what its for.

I don’t understand that sentence: What main air-to-air armament was taken away and what other role is the AMX supposed to have?

Sorry to sound condescending, but for me “unplayable” is for me always sounding like WT community slang for “can’t be bothered”.

I fly the AMX A-1A exclusively in sim and absolutely love it. It’s a great attacker for base bombing and thus to grind the Italian tree, and it can defend itself very well with the aparently so poor Piranhas and DEFA’s. And it’s a pleasure to fly and fight with. I got a K/D of roughly 3.4:1 in it, but my deaths are not all from enemy aircraft of course, so I guess it’s more 4:1, and that was when it was 11.3 still, and I often flew it also at 11.7…

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About this plane I haven’t flown once, and I’m not talking about whether the MAA-1s make this AMX worth 11.0.
It now has a 11.0 BR in Air Realistic Battle, that means it should make an equivalently 11.0 contribution in an AIR RB game. The argue point is whether this’s true/false.
But, anyway, Air Sim shouldn’t be mixed up with RB, they’re just two different games. Air Sim has its independent battle ratings system.
So my friend what’s the point of mentioning Air Sim?

Maybe he wants to point out
‘AMX A-1A is an unplayable plane’ is not true

unless we add an extra few sentences at the end.
‘AMX A-1A is an unplayable plane’ [in air realistic]
because they are playable on air sim maybe?

Edit: oh, he(Korithi guy) also claimed that AMX A-1A will be unplayable also in air sim.

I replied to someone claiming “sim is unplayable for it”, that’s why. I’m aware RB is acompletely different ball game, and especially there a 10.7 BR would be more reasonable.

sry my bad, this makes sense