Ammo nerfed in air sim (?)

hello guys, i was wondering if there was an update on the ammo for the sim battles, especially for the german 30mm: i used to oneshot planes with them, but lately i had so many difficulties in shoting down a p47 with my 109 k4. i hit him like 5-6 times and only got an hit with the 30mm, while in the end i manged to cut his tail off… you understand that is ridiculous to get like 6 “hit” with 30mm minengeschoß? this won’t happen earlier this year, only recently i am getting all of this hassles and, even if you are a damn dog at aiming, if you get your wing hit with a 30mm, it says “bye bye” to your fuselage. why is this not happening? why am i getting so many “hit” messages with 30mm??? it shouldn’t be possible, if a 30mm hits a plane is not “hit”, it’s “critical damage” at least.

  1. What belts are you using?
  2. Are you sure they are hitting the other plane?
  3. They seem to be fine for me, and I haven’t noticed many changes

told you, i am using night belts, the ones with minegeschoß only. they were hitting the plane because i could see the tracers and the sparks on the enemy plane, it was a very low distance dogfight too. idk about that, but they were extremely unrealistic for me. wtf i mean, i am not that bad, but how do i behave with those things? i literally hit enemies but the damage won’t happen!

The damage models in WT are weird.
.50 cals are ripping off wings, russian Shvaks also shredd your plane apart, but then you hit someone with a 30mm Minengeschoss, and he is still flying.

I played the Me 262 with the 50mm cannon last week to troll around a bit and let things explode, but even there I had cases where they kept flying after a direct hit.

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So just to make sure, you weren’t getting “hit” messages from the 13mms hitting him?

Also give the Universal 30mm belt a try, had more success with it than Night which just didn’t seem to do much.

I believe the shell fuzes have been reworked, I don’t know the shells of the German 30mm guns well enough but it is possible that the thickness of the planes’ wings is not sufficient to trigger the explosive charge and that the shells just pass through.