Ammo Box - the Illogical Ones

The new ammo box mechanic is one to be argued about, but is generally acceptable and rather helpful. Although, some vehicles that were not gifted with this interesting feature do deserve it, while others who have it do not need it at all.

First off are the automatic rocket launchers. Being designated a light tank, the U-SH 405 lacks an ammo box, despite only having a maximum ammo count of eighteen 81 mm rockets - which, in my eyes, totally justifies the addition of such feature.
The Rakettenautomat, on the other hand, has two times more ammo at 36 rockets, and has access to ammo boxes, being designated a tank destroyer.
In my opinion, one of three solutions has to be implemented: 1. remove the ammo box from the Rakettenautomat and not give one to the U-SH 405; 2. remove the ammo box from the Rakettenautomat and give one to the U-SH 405; or give an ammo box to the U-SH 405 without removing the one present on the Rakettenautomat.

Namer 30, Namer Tsrikhon, PUMA, PUMA VJTF:
All those IFVs are classed as light tanks, which means no ammo boxes. BUT! They all have a problem: one shot to the turret and they are completley out of ammo, since all their 30 mm ammunition is stored there (technically, IRL Namers can carry a lot of ammo and ATGMs in the hull, but why bother the devs with facts?). Not only that, but they (apart from the basic PUMA) have to rely on Spike ATGMs to counter MBTs (and anything that has armor), and unlike real life, in WT those are supper unpredictable - they deal almost no damage if they hit, but they usuall doesn’t even hit. So to rely on that, you need a lot of Spikes in case they do nothing. But all those IFVs have only four of them. That is why I suggest giving them access to the ammo box mechanic, to help make them more playable.

Now, what do you think? Which vehicles that don’t have it should get it, and from which ones it should be removed?
Let me know in the comments, please.
Thank you!


Gajin said ammo boxes would be on a case by case basis, and then just give them to all SPAA and tank destroyers : /

Ammo boxes should be removed from all SPAA (except maybe the Italian M42) and give them to only tanks that need em (e.g the Russian TD with 5 shots, M901, or the Italian TD with 8 shots)

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ammo boxes part of the skill issue optimalization so they not remove from any vehicle

Or the Lvkv 42, the ZSU-37-2 and the M53/59.


But at least give them to the ones who need it…?

lol no, ZSU-37-2 and M53 do NOT need more ammo.

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The Yenisei only gets one belt, and in the Praga you often need to spend an entire belt for a single target (it only has 8 as far as I remember). Also with the Yenisei, you have to spray and pray to do anything. It only gets 540 rounds, with a fire rate of 500 rpm: one minute and 4.8 seconds of triger time, compared to 4 minutes, 42.1 seconds on the Shilka, 1 minute 24 seconds on VEAK 40, 1 minute 14.3 seconds on the Gepard, 1 minute 49.4 seconds on the AMX-30 S DCA. Also you need to rely on spending a lot of ammo on a tank if you want to even scratch it.

If you are running out of ammo using the M53, or especially the ZSU-37-2 (a radar SPAA), then that is just massive skill issue on your end. Even the Italian M42 almost rarely runs out of ammo, even with 3-4 air targets destroyed.

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I’m personally not very good with SPAAs, but I still think 500 rounds is not a lot for most people. Don’t mistake me for some kind of a foolish premium player; I’m a F2P level 100. I know my stuff, especially since my job IRL is in the military vehicles’ world.

500 shots is plenty, especially when it only takes 1 to delete an aircraft. It’s pretty goofy that most SPAA aren’t penalized for missing anyways.

The Ammo boxes ended up turning vehicles such as the Italian M42 and German Wirbelwind into basic rotaries that never run out. Cause if you place down a Wirbel and an ammo box, most planes are expecting you to run out of ammo but don’t expect you to just keep firing till your barrels overheat. Honestly its great.

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500 rounds could be fine, if you didn’t have to take the default belt to be able to defend yourself from tanks as well.

Default belt works just fine against aircraft aswell. I’ve disassembeled plenty of planes with a singular 20mm APDS shot from my XM800T.


Some sppa need it badly like ozelot osa and machbet

Ozelot and Osa most certainly do not need it. They’re already some of Warthunder’s most braindead vehicles to play. Matchbet, I have no idea. I can only ever recall seeing one ingame and it was on my team.

Only SPAA I can think of that really need it are the Italian M42 (even then is doesn’t need it, running out of ammo is rare) and the Swedish Bofor thing, Lvkv 42 I believe it’s called.


Yeah the LVKV42 desperately needs it. It’s basically the AMX-13 dca40 but has no ammo.

What if there were a vehicle that was unarmed, and solely went out to put out a box, for everyone to rearm at…

ZSU-37-2 do not need more ammo??

This is only something a true CAS main will say


I’m on your side with what you’re saying in this thread, however how did you calculate 4 mins of trigger time in the shilka? It’s more like 70 seconds. 2000 rounds at 850 per minute and 4 barrels

Ammo box mechanic adds a bit to the survivability of some vehicles as you don’t have to carry additional ammo inside of your vehicle.
For example, before the update one vehicle could carry all 20 rounds from the start, nowadays it can be split into two pieces, 10 from the start + 10 from the ammo box, making the vehicle have less ammo that can explode.

They should just handpick light vehicles that need an ammo box, just how they did with scouting on TDs.

This is false for PUMAs.

All Spike carries should get it in my opinion.