AMBIENT INFANTRY IN WAR THUNDER: A suggestion in the works (read disclaimer before commenting)

It’s nice to see someone who actually took the time to read through it and give a constructive response. Thanks! (been away over the weekend so)

Lets say we can all agree the idea of actually using heli and transport vehicles for their purpose will greatly improve gameplay and the level of immersiveness. As some have stated you can if using transport/support vehicles gain Xp that way as well as silver lions so that way more vehicles can be add and more people doing other jobs.(this is just me) It would be cool to also not be able to fight while doing this but get out and walk around and repair damage to the exterior of the vehicle that way.

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there is already some infantry in one or two air maps whihc you can bomb… but they dont give you aynthing they just fall down and despawn after some time. also they are really hard to see so most people definitly havent noticed them yet. I dont know if they have been removed though

Believe they were removed a year or two ago not sure though

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