Amazing Discovery Perhaps, my Graphics Settings, or is it Amazing?

This a question: Here is the scenario. Despite the fact I have some physics in my background, gaming graphics are somewhat new to me. When I first started playing in Beta, for 3 years LOL, I played WT on High Settings on avg laptop and got 25fps…never could figure out how I could fly so well (props era) get on peoples six time after time, and not hit my cannon shots. Then I discovered FPS, lowered settings to low, and all the sudden my player card is recovering lol. (fps 60)

  1. Now, Ive been getting 60fps on low settings for the last year on my med range HP laptop, i7 11th gen processor with iris Intel graphics, 60fps is my norm…
    HOWEVER, just playing around tonight, I lowered settings to MINIMUM, changed the resolution to 1920 x 1020 and for the first time my FPS is 130!!
    Now, I know for you mates with great PCs my laptop is nothing…But on minimun settings at 130FPS, what can I expect, is FPS overrated or is it going to mean something good?
    Mates I grew up in the Atari Age, and so I do not need Movie Quality, my budget will give me that later.
    Thank You Community
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Not a massive expert on these things. But long story short. You typically want your FPS to be at a minimum the same as your screens refresh rate (Hz). That will give you the smoothest looking appearance. There are some advantages to get higher FPS than that, like handling suddenly FPS spikes. But the benefits of going above are mixed.

Personally, if I were in your situation I would try and tweak some of the settings up to maximise quality whilst maintaining an FPS as high as possible, Many settings can be adjusted without major impact on FPS (Shadows for example generally have quite major impact)

perticuarlly I would try and keep the resolution at the native screen resolution as that has the greatest impact on appearance.

But if you arent too bothered by aesthetics and find the extra FPS and boost to your gameplay, go for maximum FPS. Ultimately there is no right answer

FPS is how many frames are being rendered. But, your screen will be the limit for how many you actually see.

If your laptop is rendering 130FPS but your screen is running at 60FPS, you will only see 60 of those 130 frames.

I would suggest that you enable V-sync for the best experience. V-sync will limit the frame generation to whatever your screen is. I find it to give you much smoother visuals since you get to see every frame.

thank you for your reply

yes Im finding out after tweaking the settings, I next went online to see how my TV handles this, I like the 50" screen, my TV, although a gaming TV only handles 60hz, and so the test flight I just went on I was getting 170 fps, at the above settings, Im probably only “seeing 60 fps”, going into a couple of battles to see if there is any noticible difference…If I had a monitor with 120hz I could take advantage of this. This may possibly save me money rather than eventually getting a gaming PC.
BTW, The Sea Vixon is at a BR that makes it not quite as OP as it used to be, it continually sees Ayits, A4s with countermeasures, Harriers…etc. but still glad I got it, if nothing else will fly it for poops and laughs to see what I can do, drop a few bombs and take advantage of its 1140% or so rewards if Im trying to build silvers.
Thank you for your replay Markimash.

@markimash @Morvran After delving further into the matter, if I had a monitor with 120hz, with my avg laptop I could achieve that FPS…however, even though I have a “gaming TV”, its refresh rate is 60hz, and so as you know, Im only 60fps in reality.
Dang, on test flights and in battle in experiments I was getting 170fps, wish my TV could handle that.
Oh well back to minimum settings, rather that low, and 60fps solid with vsync on, still not bad.
Thank you mates for your replies. A decent sized monitor I can see with 120hz may be a lot cheaper than a full out gaming pc.
You know sometimes I wonder, I spent some money over the years in WT…if they ever go out of business, I will miss all my planes!

yeah. as long as you do not care for high graphics and dont mind your control setup, i would stick to what you got.

Actually went and looked at some 50" tvs today with 120hz refresh rate, thinking that would be cheaper than a PC…Wrong.
They were anywhere from 800 to 1200 US dollars.
Oh well we will see in the future…Also thought, well why dont I get a 120hz monitor and use it with my laptop…Wrong, Since the laptop is only capable of 60 fps, the monitor will not matter.
60 is not bad, and my ping is usually around 30. When I first started playing the mates in Austrailia and New Zealand on the old chat were getting a 180-200 ping.

Yeah, TVs are not cheap. If you are fine with a smaller screen, try a monitor. You should be able to get a decent one with 75fps for cheaper.