Alpine Ground TT: "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum"

FSCV-90 existed in previous versions but has been removed. Since it does not exist in the list of Austrian 4K 7FA variants (the turret is not the one mounted on the Austrian 4K 7FA), it is assumed to be the Greek Leonidas-2 variant.


Also can come equipped with a 90mm turret - the 4K 7FA FSCV 90 (this is on the newer hull)


That is a Leonidas-2 FSV prototype with a Engesa ET-90 II turret, the same turret found on the EE-9 Cascavels

Granted the Leonidas-2’s is a Hellenic derivative of the 4K 7FA (Leonidas-1) however that alone is not enough to be added to the Alpine TT, not helped that Greece is is a Balkan NATO member nation and the Alpine nations are Neutral Central European nations

There are quite a few Leonidas-2 FSV & IFV prototypes out there


What a shame. With all the unique designs, 140mm armed MBTs at top tier, and solid AA/medium tank lines, I feel like this proposal with Austria has far more potential than as a German subtree, which should’ve been dedicated to Argentina or the Netherlands in my opinion.


Sub-trees have been disappointing from the start.
Only ZA and Hungary (to an extent) have received a fun selection of unique vehicles yet it still takes away the light vehicle like from the UK.
When will it honestly stop?


this is Engesa Turret ET-90 II


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Improved Tornado that would give an IFV with relatively modern performance, comparable to something like the M3A3 or Desert Warrior


Thanks, I’ll correct that error

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Probably if they choose a sub-tree main tt pairing so bad and/or controversial that it caused a massive part of the community to riot

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they have plenty IFV who have great firepower for Swizerland

but this one is a mock up

Chinese when japan receives the asean sub tree lol

According to some sources, the Swiss 1980’s MBT project had began construction

Not sure how reliable it is, or if the claim is even verifiable.

Does anyone know anything about this? I think this tank has 2 10,5cm Pz Kan.


My best guess it was trying to copy the VT1-2 as trying to increase fireratw via a 2nd gun

Isnt that the test mount to test recoil with something bigger than the 105?

Pandur EVO equipped with Rheinmetall Skyranger 30 turret. Austria has ordered 36 of these

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still looks hilarious to me, might be a good event /premium/ squadron for the german tree maybe

Germany have their own Skyranger platforms that work better than an Austrian hull in service with Austria


ok tell me where it would end up then, since switzerland is a german sub tree already, confirmed by smin?

It’s not. IIRC all Smin has said is that at the moment Swiss vehicles are planned for Germany, we haven’t gotten an official announcement of a permanent sub-tree.

The Pandur is also not Swiss. Austria and Switzerland are separate countries. Switzerland being in the German tree has nothing to do with Austria. At the moment, the only Austrian vehicle is in the French tree (SK105). I expect if Austria never comes to the game as a full tree like part of an Alpine one, it could go to France.

Germany has the Boxer with Skyranger entering service, why do you need the Pandur? And there’s the Leopard 1 with Skyranger for Ukraine that Germany could have (if Ukraine doesn’t get added as a separate tree).

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thats the definition of cope just saying

lemme explain the History of the SK105 to you then.
For all sense and purposes the austrian SK105 was supposed to go to germany. That was gajins initial implementation plan.
The french community rebelled so much about not receiving one that gajin decided to give the austrian one to france, and the argentinian one to germany in the end.
Austria was supposed to germany.

Not to mention france already received the benelux tree, they wont recieve a alpine tree anymore, its just more likely for it to go to germany.

did i say we need it? there is a reason why i said it would be a good premium/event/squadron.
Nice to have but not game breaking or tech tree needed,
As it stands its either one of those for germany or not at all. If you dont want it added to the game at all be my guest. But i myself would like to see every vehicle in the world to find its place in the game, which just would best fit to germany in this case. France doesnt fit as well.

i will take the leopard 2 with skyranger 35 thank you very much, that one propably wont be in service in ukraine either way