Heres another German Alpha with the flare launchers visible
Here are RTAF Alpha Jets (former German) with AIM-9P or AIM-9J
I believe these modifications were done in Germany
I’m blind… Where is the dispenser located?
I see
Ok, thank you very much
got the manual now which does list CMs
however it doesn’t list AAMs as expected
it’s still possible that the RTAF got these mods done by Dornier after they bought the Alphas tho
Alpha Jet flight manual
EDIT: Oh you already got it lol
In this photo it looks very clear. I think that’s enough proof (along with the manual, just in case).
Thx bagells
Well the manual also doesnt list rockets on pylon 5/6 despite it being possible
Weapon selector having DLT-RX (DoppelLastenTräger-Rakete I assume? Not sure about the X but DLT-BO is definitely DoppelLastenTräger BOmbe)
btw any guesses on what TNG could mean? Edit, guess it just means TraiNinG
Great, thanks!
Does anyone have more info on the planned and executed upgrades?
Before anyones asking what those Alphas are carrying, they are CBLS 200 practice bomb carriers
Some armament options - six bombs or six rocket pods.
It has CCRP and CCIP for guns, rockets and bombs right?
I was going to ask you what they were, because they didn’t look like the marschflugkörper Taurus
Attached more info on Dornier’s plans to improve CAS capability.