Allowed badge }

No absolutely. Without Operation Paperclip, and other endeavors to recruit Nazis we’d be well behind where we are in terms of technology. Plenty of people who didn’t want to be in those situations but did help make them happen unfortunately.

I just find it ironic, especially on forums like this. People like to hate the symbols, while forgetting the people who actually committed said atrocites or made them able to happen… I find that honestly sort of funny. It would be like hating the cost that Hitler wore but not actually thinking poorly of Hitler.

Does nobody realize that the German tanks, aircraft, and ships everyone idolize in this game were the weapons by which many of those attrpcities were committed? The very things that allowed them to happen? They are just as much a symbolism of the events as a swastika…

The thing is though, this is a game and we ignore that part because it’s convenient but hate swastikas to feel better about it. Just the mental gymnastics I can’t really fathom.


Actually, that’s false since 6 years ago.
Games are now considered works of arts and have therefore been permitted to feature those symbols


That’s cool to hear.

I always felt like Germany was suffering from that doomed to repeat issue. I love Germany and it’s a super cool place (also amazing food).

I never liked the pretending nothing happened part. Being shunned for talking about WWII was sorta weird to me.

In the US we talk about the horrible things we’ve done, so we don’t allow them to be deemed innocent and happen again. I mean our own government has done things equally as bad as the experiments allowed to happen at the “camps”.

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So, so many people are missing the point and going on about other countries rules, history and everything else. This issue has really nothing to do with any of that at all.

It doesn’t really matter “WHY” Gaijin made the rules they did, they are made and “MUST” be implemented or there will be chaos in the game and forums. The game is “Gaijins property”, the rules are “Gaijin’s RULES” and Gaijin “HAVE” banned the symbols. These people showing banned decals have “BROKEN THE RULES”. Simple as that. No if’s, but’s or why’s, they broke the rules, full stop, do not pass go.

Personally, I would prefer the symbols as this game is supposed to LOOK Historically acurate, but i was always taught by my Grandad to think of BOTH sides to understand the FULL debate before taking a moral side.

Well in that case, why hasn’t Gaijin actually implemented a system in ten years to prevent it if they care?

It’s not that hard to prevent. It really isn’t from a programmatic standpoint. Does X shape match X pattern.

From my understanding Dagor uses C++. Which supports OpenCV. They can set it up to run in a queue for each image to match a set series of unwanted patterns…

Same thing as the text filtering, there are a ton of heuristic language dictionaries out there for mean things filtering.

Their rules can easily be enforced…

I think the reality is they don’t care that much. Which I’m not upset about in the slightest. Maybe in that regard the most free speech game on the market lol.

Yes, it is Gaijin’s problem, and it’s up to Gaijin to sort it out. Yes people do want the historical symbols and some don’t. Gaijin either need to allow the symbols, or need to keep banning them.

The “MAIN POINT” that is “STILL BEING MISSED” is that Gaijin have made a rule and they “MUST” stick to it. It doesn’t matter if they care or not. If they made the wrong decision to ban the symbol, then that is their hard luck. Gaijin made the rule and rule has been broken and the rule breakers should be punished. Simple. It’s not rocket science.

I think the point that you are missing is, this is the game discussion part of the forum. It’s not the section were mods come in and punish the people we take screenshots of.

We discuss these “highly philosophical” portions of the game. We don’t enforce the rules here.

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I have always enjoyed philosophical debates and moral arguements and being in my mid 50’s, have had many years to enjoy it, so please, when you read my posts, don’t do it with a “SHOUTY” voice in your head. I know how to debate without shouting. I actually like watching old debates by Christopher Hichens, etc, and love my sarcastic humour. That’s why I like comedians like Romesh Ranganathan, Jack Dee and Lee Mack.

Because I had Grandparents fighting in WW2, I was always interested in history, which has expanded to an interest in ancient Greece, Egypt, the Maya, etc, and me myself would actually like to see the proper historical symbols and camo’s that were “actually” used in “real life”.

But I thought about the arguements to both sides and I’m afraid I have to take the side of the “Morality” of breaking a rule within the game.

How many people are going to finish playing and go break some rules because they just don’t agree with them. I know it’s from one extreme to another, but you know you will be arested and punished, you broke the rules. No difference philosophically, the rules have been broken.

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How will you be punished for something you haven’t done? No rules have been broken, just a conversational talk of a topic to tread lightly by.

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7fq4kv (1)

What a CHAD. 74,playing this game like nothing and going out to a date. You,my man,have my respect from now on

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If the game designer puts them in maybe, making them yourself intentionally adding them to a game that doesn’t, well, that’s sort of different.

This isn’t art, and anyone trying to excuse it should be questioning themselves.

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The problem is, that many don’t understand this. Many see the Swastika and assume oh their supporters of said political party. Rather than putting effort into figuring out the different meanings.
The specific one everyone recognize is obviously the very evil one, but because of media and such many have been taught only this one, rather than being taught that the Nazi Swastika is evil, but other Swastikas are not because those have existed long before.

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I’m not saying that GJ policies allow them. I’m saying that German law does not forbid them in games since 2018, despite your opinion about what they may be.

Since you asked, I indeed often question myself about why some people think that hiding a symbol could solve anything. Just like moving the dust under a carpet and calling the room clean.

Didn’t ask anything, but the mentality of the edgelord is hard to distinguish from a toddler looking to touch the hot thing, where everyone is saying to not to touch the hot thing.

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Righttttt…and every German person was a supporter of said party. Especially all those working in factories. I really doubt that and I highly doubt a large percentage of the German population believed it.

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Unfortunately a very large percentage supported it. When you take the time to understand what they were facing and the time period, they were desperate. They saw Hitler as the savior of Germany. Who was going to pull them out and restore the Reich.

There were dissenters but not as many as we would wish. Many of them actually have their lives to disent and many kept silent to keep their lives. Again, the average German person believed in their countries and people are easy to sway. They will get caught up in the fervor, especially when desperate enough.

This is one of those cases where unless I see the statics/documentation, I press X to doubt.

Not being ignorant about what happen in the world does not mean “being an edgelord”.
Nazi symbols in games are not legally banned anywhere anymore. Like it or not.

Of course this does not apply to game policies.

Dude, just because their not banned in real life does not mean you should allow them in the game. Another thing, Australia has them banned.