Allowed badge }

Yep, using decals like that is definitely illegal.

But censoring it or banning it isn’t realistic because it’s a letter of the alphabet.

it’s about what it symbolizes is it not? I doubt anyone displays it because they’re a big fan of Zorro or something.

Swastika has way more reason to be used than the Z, going back thousands if not tens of thousands of years and been used by many different countries and cultures giving it many different meanings, from fertility to luck, throughout history and only a fraction of it’s existence has been used in a negative way.

Finland used it before Germany and continues using it to this day, only somewhat removing it a few years ago after using it for over a 100 years, but with Finland having vehicles in the game it would make enough sense to use it.

The Z on the other hand only has one meaning at this point in time and not justifiable reason to be displayed.

To be clear, I agree with you. I need to make that clear. I think your point is valid. However, especially from the point of view of Gaijin, it does not make sense to ban a letter of the alphabet that you use to write (e.g people like to spell things on their vehicles and words can include the letter Z).

I mean the issue is that Gaijin cannot enforce any of it either way and relies on the players the report it for them, but if the Z is not against the rules then nothing should be against the rules as I cannot think of a more political and offensive symbol in this day and age as this one.

And what word is being written here?


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Oh wait I’m dumb, I thought you were talking about banning it via removing the entire letter Z as a decal from the game. I apologize.

I don’t think there even is one? I hope not anyways, no reason for it to be there anyways, how many words are you going to write with 2 or 4 letters.

Oh for fudge sakes, German vehicles aren’t Nazis. Nazis were a party and most Germans did not support it, many did but a lot also didn’t.

Report em via Replay.

There isn’t one. People write letters by using numbers. You’re better off just replay reporting not the goal you’re intending. Since it won’t work. Good Idea gonna have a Poor execution.

There isn’t a point in reporting if Gaijin is not opposed to it though.

Yes I know. I’m not stupid. Both my grandfathers were in WW2. One was a Hurricane pilot shot down, escaped, shot down, eacaped and finally shot down and helped dig the Great Escape tunnel. The only reason My mum and I are alive is because my grandad turned down the chance to escape as he was totally fed up with the war and didn’t want to push his luck. Aparently, a lot of prisoners turned it down for the same reasons, but the film doesn’t mention that. I don’t need history lessons from you. I have heard what the Nazi’s were doing from “the horses mouth” so to speak. I know what they were fighting for.

Considering the Finnish used the Swastika pre-WWII, and so did America, one person/group, made it bad, it shouldn’t be used in an anti-simetic way, but should be allowed in other historical and learning purposes, as it’s not being used there for offending and suppression of groups of peoples. Take with a grain of salt, I’m not here to make allegations and push ideals on others, that’s just my take on the subject.

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That actually doesn’t mean anything. Some European countries have a prohibition on these icons. That doesn’t mean a user can’t create one but the creators cannot disseminate software with it by default.

Yeah, a lot of people get unreasonably upset about symbolism.

The Navajo were notably a large user of Swastikas, and now something with religious significance in healing rituals is hated around the world.

Our society is becoming but a shell. Nothing is allowed and everything is offensive.


That argument doesn’t hold weight I’m afraid. The National Socialist party was Germany in World War II. They weren’t just some small group, it was the party of the country and whether everyone supported it’s ideal, everyone in uniform fought for it.

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My great-grandfather was a Sherman tanker during the war, I never really got to meet him, but I believe he was later in the war, around 1943-44, and came back afterward, I’ve never heard any stories from him, but he also just commanded a tank, not much interaction with people out of the hatch, he came home after the war, never injured, unknown amount of confirmed kills that I know of, but a quick bit of research from WWII Army Archive and Records would probably tell.

That is why anyone displaying the symbol should be punished. Swastikers are against “GAIJIN’S” rules, otherwise they would show them too. Sod other countries, this is GAIJIN’s game and GAIJIN’s rules. If someone makes the symbol out of other decals, then they are trying to bypass the rules to show a banned symbol by making it themselves. All this just shows their contempt for the rules set out by Gaijin and they “WILL” have the symbol just because “they want to show it.” If they show contempt for the rules, they are showing contempt to Gaijin and basically telling them their rules mean “NOTHING” to them. It should be a minimum of a weeks ban from logging in to their account. If they insist on carrying on displaying a banned symbol then banned for 6 months. The rest of us can follow the rules, so why can’t they.

There’s some great discussion about this on Reddit. The speculation is that Gaijin itself doesn’t really care; however, Germany does care. It’s banned to appease them.

You see the same thing with Gaijin having never implemented filters on text chat. It’s extremely easy to prevent people from saying racial slurs or certain expletives… Gaijin doesn’t seem to want to be the thought police (in many ways anyway). I will credit them for that.

The people who really care are people who get upset over a symbol that only holds power in their minds. Wait until you find out the amount of Nazi scientists that America employed mid and post war… Maybe we should have just banned Germans all together?


I mean, they put America on the moon, nazi or not, they did some insane things, at some point you have to separate the artist from the work, no joke intended.

Probably a bad example as it could possibly be viewed as political, but I’m not superiorly educated on it, but Israelis side with the IDF because that’s their Nation, they are nationalists for their nation, just as if Americans are Nationalistic for their country, through the bloodshed and genocide or not, they will be loyal to their nation and leaders, yet again, take with a grain of salt, I am not talking parties or politics, just current world situations. Just as Americans are for America, and Israelis for Israel, the Germans were for Germans in WWII, though with a side of brainwashing and propaganda, not that American doesn’t do a bit of this right now.

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