Allow PlayStation and XBOX players to enter the Market and have the same privileges as PC players

It’s not directly related but more console related, it would be great if they would unlock the maximum deflection of flight control surfaces on controller because with mouse-aim you’re kinda just gimped to a lower performance level.

The xbox supports mouse and keyboard and works great. Only problem is i have all my setting set up on PC and they dont carry over to the xbox so i had to write everything down to coppy over. I think PS has the same support but i dont have one so i dont know for sure.

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Yea and if you mainly play on your PC you wouldnt know until you logged in on your xbox. My friend told me yesterday about the sale and i had no idea.

Thank you for your comment, your report is good, so that Gaijin can at least try to provide us with a solution. We cannot remain silent in the face of problems that can be solved by Gaijin.

Thank you for your comment, what you say is true, however I believe that these and other problems we have must be reported to gaijin, we cannot remain silent, even though there is not enough power among console players, we have to complain, so Gaijin will have knowledge of many problems we have.

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Hey there! I’ve got a great idea that I think could really make a difference. I was hoping you could help me out by supporting it - together we can give it the visibility it deserves! Thank you so much.


I believe there is no other alternative, it’s a shame we can’t use the market.

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I think the same, they should just let us enter and buy or sell things, i hope they put a market for us.

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Did you know that XBOX (IDK about PSN) players have taxes when they buy from their respective store, and PC players don’t? Just another one of those things that screw console players over and out of money

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This seems a great suggestion, yes please!

Locking two of three platforms out of any access at all to a large chunk of vehicles (and other stuff) is immensely unfair, and bad for both players and the devs.


Never going to happen. This is not something that gaijin has a say in. This is mandated by the console manufacturer (Sony and Microsoft). This Is done to ensure they get there 30% cut on all sales from their respective members (PSN and Xbox live). Now fortunately there has been some headway made in the form of lawsuits against Google and Apple for doing this. But epic games chose not to sue Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft because they feel that the console manufacturers 30% cut was justified as they take a loss on the manufacturing and sale of the console itself.

As for the person who complained about taxes. You made your purchase in the US through a US entity/ company. You’re going to pay taxes. When you buy directly from the marketplace. You’re doing business with a foreign company who’s not obligated to charge you those taxes. Hence why you don’t get charged taxes.

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Really sony is very greedy, sony does not hesitate to increase price and charges unfortunately. Thanks for your comment.


This is not a Gaijin thing, this is a Microsoft and Sony thing.


It’s surprising how many console users don’t understand thier console providers EULA / Standards.


If Gaijin wanted to create a walled console specific marketplace and sell GC in the the PS or Sony store they could. Many large games have a walled trading marketplace. The Auction House in EA Sports games is the exact same thing as the Gaijin Market where players can utilize their earned or purchased fiat currency to ‘buy’ digital items.


But the console makers would have to allow and approve that access. EA has a lot more push that Gaijin in terms of games on the consoles, as they are providing many, not just a few.

Indeed, but we’re talking about a monetization opportunity for both parties which already has a purchasable fiat currency in both console stores. I’m sure there are some hurdles, but it’s a little frustrating that the response from Gaijin on this is a non-answer and the topic always a non-starter.

If it can’t be done, fine, we’d just love a more robust official response on why so the topic could be put to bed and said response referenced going forward. Otherwise here we are again…

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It’s always been in the console creators court, same as them authorizing the updates when they first got access.

Remember that? Get a patch out, the consoles would have to wait a few hours becase it needed the approval.

Gaijin didn’t make that happen.

The review process for game updates/patches and the approval process for an in-game marketplace are two drastically different topics. One has nothing to do with the other.

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