All US top tier vehicles are trending to a sub 30% win rate, what can be done

I agree. I didn’t say that they should be the same BR. I’m saying that the Mig 21 is functionally equivalent to the F-5C in terms of play style and overall effectiveness at their respective BRs. The only difference is that the F-5C actually has to worry about missiles.

Obviously, clickbait was the main reason, and now the 12.7 toptier avoids them, so the winning percentage is back🤣

if you think a land mine is blowing up a abrams you are literally out of your mine. This game is nothing like real life, where the abrams is immune to damn near everything on the battlefield.

from the front and 30 degrees to either side facing frontwards it is

Well they can start by correcting this nonsense. How does giving us a 5 second reload count as a buff when you can make that voided out by any penetration from a shell. It doesn’t matter where either, all the spalling goes straight to the breach even hitting them in the rear.


Welp its been 3 months now with consistent, extremely low US WRs with no changes made.

I guess nothing will be done in the end and the US being stomped will just be standard now.


Buffs were already provided for the backbone of the lineup (Abrams); there nothing more that can be done to address the poor WRs (caused by premium players).

Gaijin could unnerf either the HSTVL or the top end helicopters (AH-64D/AH-1Z), but these kind of stuff isn’t going to affect the premium players.

I think you mean a buff, there was no “buffs” beyond the reload rate change, which, did nothing to actually solve the issues that plauge the M1 series, being it’s abysmal hull, spall generators behind the fuel tanks, and turret ring, which all contribute to the M1 series being vastly inferior to it’s competitors in it’s defensive abilities as of now.

To that same end, play 11.7 for a bit, there are seldom any clickbait or AIM players left, just a select few SEPs that are getting dunked on, the premium players have largely left. Top tier is just walls of 122s and 2A7Vs fighting eachother with a small number of premium Chally 2s and T-90Ms tied in, the latter having a great time obliterating teams with the SU-25M3.

The HSTV-L is never going to be relevant, nor has it been since it’s introduction. The 2s38 is currently just a better version of it at a lower BR, it frankly has little reason to exist currently. Thinking it will be improved to it’s historical standard is a effort in futility.

In the case of US helos, do tell how they are nerfed beyond not having F&F missiles and hellfires being garbage since their introduction, which is another thing that will not be fixed.

  • Missing assorted stores; Later ATAS block(s) [adds proper IRCCM] / underwing Sidewinders, AGM-122, HE / HEAT rocket warheads, 20mm Mk 149 Mod 0 APDS, Mk 77 Firebomb, optional Universal 30mm M230E1 installation into turret for AH-1F / AH-1W, , BGM-71 Variant selection, AGM-176 & -179, etc. etc.

  • Missing utility features; LWS / CMDS, Decoy Jammer(s) and assorted DECM, Head Mounted Sight , erroneous Co-pilot / Gunner & pilot division of tasks / and backup system priority and functionality (e.g. turret should be able to be overridden by Pilot should the CPG be knocked out, with either full or partial capability(pilot override on AH-1G / AH-1Q locked turret to boresight with a hot trigger) depending on if the variant had a HMS).

  • Missing significant variants of the (Super) Cobra (AH-1Q / AH-1T / -1J, etc.) that could plug holes in the lineup


I agree with all of the above should be added, although I would not say these things are nerfs as gaijin just never included any of the above to begin with.

A “Nerf” is like making the AGM-114’s loft worse after all this time, or in the case of the AH-1Z, reducing it’s maximum zoom.

Aside as well, the APKWS should have a HEAT and VT fused warhead which we can add to this list, the fact that the APKWS still lacks either of these warheads and is stuck with the garbage HE or SAP warheads is comical since better rockets of the same type exist with HEAT warheads.

And of course the entire missing SPIKE-ERs from a bunch of US helos.

Did they use them

Trialed the SPIKE-NLOS, all aerial SPIKES use a standardized software and mounting BUS, meaning if you can fire the SPIKE-NLOS you can fire the SPIKE-ER or any other airborne SPIKE, its one of the primary development goals of the platform.

Due to this, all SPIKE-NLOS trialed US helos are capable of deploying the SPIKE-ER.

So didn’t use them

More realistic than the Yak-141’s armament since it was never wired to use it’s ordiance, meanwhile said helicopters are.

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They’re also refusing to give Spike missiles to Saraph but decided to add Ah-60 with that armament.

İf they think Longbow Hellfire is too much they should at least give Spike missiles to AH-64D.

This, I see no reason that SPIKE-ERs should not be spread around, they solve the issue of hellfires being terrible.

Considering Italy was the first nation that recived Spikes and France followed them after getting Tiger HAD Block-2 its only natural to expect to see SPIKE missiles on Us Apache.

i say you how it ends not a bug as its not a bug that it does not have hellfire k

Genuinely impressed with how bad top tier US is. Almost every game is 5vs16 after 5 minutes.

But it’s not just an issue of 1 deathleavers and premiums though, the tanks are genuinely uncompetitive against Leopards and T80s. The abrams weakspot on the turret is probably the most reliable in the game and the armor is of course incredibly undertuned. I see a lot of people leaving after 3 deaths and almost no points

And what’s up with Gaijin forcing US against Germany+Russia (+sweden often) almost every game lmfao, the 3 best nations in the game against US and a couple of minor nation players when they know how badly US is struggling. And then they claim to buff/nerf depending on performance?

It’s clearly intentional at this point.
Check out my last 10 battles. Note how the only 2 wins were when the main characters of the game were on our teamlmfao

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Frankly the turret is usable, the issue is that the hull and turret ring are just so easy to defeat.

Every single death I’ve had in a M1 for almost a year now is a shot to the turret ring or LFP, nobody ever shoots for the turret, even side on.

Given every single shell bar CE shells at the 11.X range can lolpen the M1’s hull at any range, its no wonder as to why they die so fast, combine this with the spall generator plates behind the fuel tanks that can easily kill the entire crew and it becomes so easy to just nuke any M1 from the front.

The ironic bit is that if those two plates did not generate secondary shatter, the M1 would be such a vastly better vehicle because it’s fuel tanks would actually do something other than just damaging the vehicle more, just like how the T series 20mm armored autolaoder does not generate more spall and is absurdly good due to it.

Will such issues get fixed, hah no, its been like this forever.