i dont even use ARH missiles XD
Ah yes though your gone check my profile to find a bad KDR LMAO
Since when is it a crime to play a nation I enjoy ???
And I have Israel Sweden and working on German top tire what is your problem
Nation shaming is very common here unfortunately. Its weird.
Never mentioned K/D you’re once again making up something fictional
Its not but US mains/one nation mains always have the worst takes
The M2K is the fastest toptier aircraft you’re not staying away from one and ill just stay at 60m till you’re in NEZ
Thats not how it works you can’t negate multipathing unless you’re using a a Phoenix or F90
Are you genuinely delusional
You can somewhat negate enemy multipathing, the higher you are.
Its been proven wrong a hundred times on the forum you cant negate multipathing unless the target is literally 5m above the ground any time you kill someone at low alt they’re either just above multipathing because they’re not following their RALT or they’re too low so the splash damage gets them
Some people just plug they’re ears and don’t listen to anyone else but them selfes
Its possible and theres gameplay examples. The higher the angle of which your missile is coming from, the more likely the multipath image falls in line with the real plane.
48m from the ground and the missile hits.
Thank you I’ll get an example from my games In a minute aswell
Who cares how much skill something takes? MP is fine as is and so is notching.
Guy thinks he has some sort of amazing plan figured out… not like there’s counters to this too! Oh wait.
Just USA. The USA nation has like 75-90% of the playerbase alone in air RB and therefore has the most arrogant, out of touch, ignorant wannabe good pilots in the game. They come here often to have awful takes that are clearly just them trying to buff their own planes/playstyles. This is one of those threads.
LOL this dude just admitted he will use his entire missile loadout to kill 1 guy and doesn’t see any issue with this. He also thinks he’ll win in WVR against a Mirage 2K LOL
Homie only one person is in this thread trying to change how the game mechanics work so his playstyle is rewarded more instead of him just getting better at flying.
ironic as hell
I’m clearly advocating for a buff to chaff resistance of all FOX 3s not only ammarms or Derby’s
In this case you think you need more kills therefore you suggest a gameplay change that would help people like you (BVR larpers) do better in favor of making other playstyle worse simply for the reason that “muh missel shuld huv killed dut guy wtf”
Its like 36% (for top tier) according to thunderskill which is still a substantial amount.
TS is inaccurate. It is only self-reported and this means it heavily favors minor nation players who are more invested into the game. Simply go check the in game matchmaker stats when you’re searching for a game the next time you play.
The M2K rips at like 1520IAS AFAIK so I don’t know about that.
Title of the topic should be renamed to “I hate that people can counter my SPAMRAAM gameplay if they know what they are doing, I should press button and they should die”.
This but unironically.
Honestly… your mistake was trying to hunt down a Gripen with basically unlimited chaff that’s already flying cold to you. Of course it’s not going to hit them 😂
I can’t speak for the AIM-7F because I know for a fact the moment you lose the lock it’s a dead missile but the R-27ER would still hit from that <10 km range because of its speed and IOG+DL… You don’t need to maintain lock for long after losing it, IOG does the rest for you even if they’re dropping chaff like in the video
Your F-16 radar maintaining lock does nothing for the missile you fired by the way. Kind of the point of the ‘active’ part of the active radar-homing.