All Abrams turrets

while it is a american translation of a russian document it is still an american source
this one is kinda iffy though

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memes-gif-16 the pooh

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Thats their problem. If what is stated there is substantiated in Israeli patents (I´ll write about that someday), then they should reconsider.

if that was the case then the russian document saying the abrams could withstand 3bm 60 on the hull would have been accepted. “Hit the Abrams’ Vulnerable Points” – The Armourers Bench

but was that russian document from a collaboration of the two nations

3rd party sources is not reliable*

Is FEP just the Marines equivalent to the AIM?

Or did they have AIM with the DU armor?

It is the equivalent of AIMv2, with the 3rd Gen DU armor!


Is there somewhere I could read up on all the different Abrams variants? I’m not sure if the AIM and AIMv2 (what’s the difference?) are purely for Australia or if used by USMC, or if what I thought were USMC AIM’s were really FEPs

Thats both a stretch at interpretation of the source and something unrelated to Merkavas in general.

are you aware that the swedish documents were proven to be wrong? even the M1A1 variants already use depleted uranium ^^

AIM is export model for upside down country which is equivalent to M1A2
AIM v2 is better AIM with gen 2 flir, 3rd gen DU armor and basically a M1A2 SEP

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AIMv2 US version?

And doesn’t the regular AIM have upgraded thermals?

only a few of them later were all given FEP like package

All base AIMs had gen 2 FLIR.

General Dynamics News - September 5, 2008


aim v2 get the armor profile upgrade then

So, from wiki, AIMv2 is improved version of AIMv1 but FEP is similar to AIMv2 but for USMC M1A1’s

Seems to be that way, oddly enough it seems like the wiki for the M1 is incorrect in attaching the “SA” upgrade to the AIM V.2 since it seems like the “SA” upgrade was included during the base AIM upgrade track with the AIM upgrades being strictly maintenance and efficiency related.

FEP basically makes M1A1s a better M1A2(how SEP is introduce)
but yea thats correct

yeah wiki aint really 100% true on these end

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