All Abrams turrets

That’s the issue. The devs didn’t use enough information when modeling the Abrams which lead to missing/not fully implemented crucial features/armor . It’s pretty evident with the countless bug reports made on the Abrams.

It’s not like the sources presented were released recently. These sources existed long before the abrams were implemented. The Devs didn’t spend enough time researching.

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Bro, no… a part of me dies everytime I see someone say The Merkava can’t fight kinetic rounds. It’s very much capable of withstanding APFSDS that’s fired from tanks used by neighboring countries.

No tank will survive that, this proves nothing.

Eats them for breakfast unless they’re fired in very specific weakspots.

Alright so you’re clearly trolling ain’t ya. The engine doesn’t even weigh that much my guy, and the Tank design is supers for what it is. It’s an armored fortress, and as you said it renowned for its amazing survivability. To say it can’t withstand kinetic threats is absurd.

And on top of all of this, this topic is about the Abrams, not the Merkava…


Welp according to bug report (that got accept) . Abrams turret ring should be able to resist against auto cannon like 25-30mm and Some big caliber AP, APHE should get stuck on the turret ring armor gap due to how small it is irl (volumetric).
Also due to how map and objective in this game are arrange. Shooting weakspot and such are very common. Not to mention AB and RB ground vehicles can aim and shoot directly from cannon barral not from the aiming sight like irl.
Mantlet are also nerf (same as many other MBTs)

tell me sth about this but i dont think the ufp and roof armor are only ~4cm thick cuz that is basically dead sentence if u throw a few grenade on top of a tank
unlike leo/leclerce/chally which have spall liner i think the thickness should be greater

It’s a difference in doctrine really, Merkava isn’t going to be moving around too much but an Abrams is expected to be able to be deployed across the world and fight almost anywhere

Normal hand grenade wouldn’t do much against roof armor. Unless it was AT-grenade.
Sure it is vulnurable against howitzer with big caliber HE round. But that is the same for most MBTs.

Most MBTs model in game also missing turret basket and interior module inside that could potential help catching spall like Soviet T-72s/64s/80s auto-loader module does.

Or, just give a variant of the later M1s (M1A1 HC/add the HA, or the M1A2s) the DU hull armor.

The problem with removing the Governor is it did consistent damage to the drivetrain, and also has a chance to injure the crew when stopping/going over rough terrain. Not that going 60mph wouldn’t be nice- but realistically it isn’t possible over a long or for rough terrain over a short term.

Well the game isn’t exactly long term so it wouldn’t matter if they modeled the wear or not

Wt crew also very durable, maybe have elbow and knee pads as crew skill?

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The main fix the Abrams needs is for the turret ring to be shortened. Otherwise, it is largely fine, aside from a few minor fixes.
No, the current M1’s do NOT get DU hulls.

Existing =/= easy to find.
Search terminology is hard enough to think of when using Internet search engines let alone Archive search engines. Then you have to make sure you don’t download anything classified/restricted let alone use it.

At some point you have to stop researching and act on the information found.

Again that’s the point. This isn’t like small inconsequential errors, they are major ones that heavily impact the performance of a vehicle. It takes effort and time. if Gaijin is not willing to do that, especially for modern vehicles, then it shouldn’t even be added.

This is why many are disappointed on how the Abrams were implemented. The issue is that new vehicles, mechanics, maps, etc have a very short deadline making it very hard to allocate time to do the proper research.

Many would rather wait an extra patch than to have a half baked vehicle at launch and wait an extra year (or more) to get it fixed.

Community Suggestions need to taken advantage of and expanded upon. There’s a lot of people willing to gather information on a certain vehicle. Screenshots and such don’t need to be provided but a general description along with a citation would suffice. it would at least point the developers in a certain direction.

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38mm/83 degrees is a perfect math to ricochet APFSDS munition

Almost like the one from after the Gulf War doesn’t once mention DU being in the hull so isn’t relevant to the discussion…

Sad thing about those ‘five DU armoured hull M1A1s’ is, we don’t know what exactly those five M1A1’s type is. Maybe it is M1A1, maybe it is M1A1HA, maybe it is M1A1 FEP, but we don’t know. And we can’t discover now for it as it’s been more than decades pass and there are high possibility of those vehicles being scrapped or changed to other test vehicles.

Sad news.

SLERA developed quite after Merkava Mk4 developed. High skepticism Merkava Mk.4 uses SLERA. AFAIK already one of moderator passed it to developers and denied after discussions.

Depending on what kind of ERA on NERA uses. Composite armor on Merkava Mk.4 seems to highly protectable against CE but not on KE when seeing how it acts when got hit.

Well, they are not ‘Israeli engine’ at first, because 1200 hp is American designed and 1500 hp is German designed. And 3BM42 are you sure? There are no nation near Israel that uses 3BM42 and where and why the hell Israel has interest of? And transmissions and engines are usually structual steel, not offering great armor in general.

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Abrams is not only the MBT with Governor(even Challenger 2 has governer) so maybe not a good buff to Abrams actually?

Considering there are already Leopard 2A7V and 2A7HU, I think we could have M1A2 SEP v3 and v4 test vehicle in comparison. Even with hopeful assumption they will not be super-monster as some think as it’s hull will still be penetrated with DM53, only able to be safe from 3BM60.

Why the hell is a source, assuming it is reliable, for an Israeli tank be in CHinese.

I just want the turret to be mated with the hull properly.

The IRL turret rest looks nothing like the in game turret ring and is part why you can still get rounds that should never pen it through.


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