“War is best teacher”
I offer you armed version of the one of most modern trainers in the world M346FT.
From gameplay perspective this is lighter, more agile AMX.
Thanks Il_Signor_Regio for additions
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- No
The M346 began life in January 2000 after the dissolution of cooperation with Yakolev and SOKOL in the AEM/Yak-130D program. Aermacchi got the construction plans back and started working on reconfiguring the plane for western equipment and replacing systems, making the plane heavier but more capable. The first prototype was completed in 2003 and first flown on July 15 2004.
First production units entered service with Aeronautica Militare in 2011 under the designation T346A with the first flight on March 31. In a short time, Israel and Singapore placed orders for this machine followed by Poland. These planes were heavily modified and much heavier than the prototype, although they still had no lethal weapons, only simulated ones.
Plans to arm the aircraft date back to AEM/Yak, but it was only after production began that intensive weapons testing took place. AIM-9L, IRIS-T missiles and Lizard guided bombs were tested. Finally, at the Farnborough International Airshow in 2016, an armed version of the M346FT(fighter-trainer) was presented, this version also became a possible improvement for the non-combat M346 in service.
Pictures of prototypes

Aerodynamic of aircraft was designed like fighter, containing root extensions and other solutions provading low drag and high maneuverability even at high AoA. Airframe is built with damage tolerance in mind, from aluminum and titanium alloys, covered with carbon fiber and fiberglass. Three internal fuel tanks (1 fuselage + 1 in each wing) hold 2t of fuel with the option of hanging 3 additional 630l fuel tanks, allowing for a flight time of 2h 45m to 4h with dropable ones.
Avionic and control:
The plane is controlled by FLY-by-WIRE and Flight Control System, equipped with 3 color LCD Multi Function Displays, HOTAS control, Head Up and Head Mounted Displays with noctovision for both pilots. FCS options include Pilot-activated Altitiude Recovery System, Voice commands, Digital Map and Tactical Situation Displays, Ground Proximity Warning, Sensor Sleving, full CCIP.
Defense is based on DASS equipped with IFF, RWR, Missile Aproach, flare/chaff dispenser, Martin Baker IT16D ejection seats provide safe escape.
Aircraft is powered by two Honeywell F124-GA-200 engines with a thrust of 2850kgf(27.95KN). This are low bypass, three-stage fan and a five-stage axicentrifugal high-pressure compressor turbojets not equiped with afterburner. Engines provide 0.93 power to weight ratio at 30% fuel, 0.77 P/W at 100% and 0.59 P/W max takeoff weight, which allows the aircraft to accelerate to a speed of 1090km/ h in level flight and Mach 1.2 in diving. Machine have characteristic of STOL with 176km/h stall speed and 400m takeoff at full fuel.
- Length: 11,49m
- Heigh: 4,76m
- Wingspan: 9,72m
- Wing area: 23,52m2
- Wing loading(full fuel): 319kg/m2
- Empty weight: 5500kg
- Take off weight: 7500kg
- Max take off weight: 9600kg
- Max payload: 3000kg
- Max fuel: 2000kg
- Cruise time: 2h 45m
- Cruise range: 2000km
- Service celling: 13700m
- Trust: 5700kgf(28KN)
- Climb speed: 112m/s
- Max speed: 1093km/h
- Limit speed: 1,2mach
- G limit: +8, -3
- Sustained load: 8
- Sustained turn: 13deg/s
- Sustained turn time: 27s
5 pylons with central 3 holding up to 600kg, external only 500kg each
AA(on external pylons):
- 2x AIM-9L
- 2x IRIS-T(not for game balance)
- 12,7mm and 20mm gun pods
- Laser Targeting pod with NVD(propably Littening V)
- Recce and ECM pods
- Mk 82 and Mk 83 bombs with retarded versions
- GBU-12, -38, -49 guided bombs
- Lizard-2, -4 guided bombs
- SDB glide bomb(not for game balance)
- AGM-65 Maverick missile
- Rocket Lanchers
Reason for addition:
In my eyes this aircraft together with its brothers M346FA and M346F block 20 fit just right after AMX in italian TT as peak of subsonic jet technology.
Frecce Tricolori
On 12 september 2024 trainer variant T346A was showed in Frecce tricolori painting as new airframe for their team. This gives us new brand new camo

- 10.7
- 11.0
- 11.3
- “NO”
- Tech Tree
- Premium
- Event/BP
- “NO”
Leonardo M-346 Master Advanced Jet Trainer / Light Strike Aircraft
Leonardo M-346: Two Decades of Cutting-Edge Training Excellence - The Aviationist
Leonardo/Alenia Aermacchi M346 Master —
M-346 Master Advanced Fighter Trainer | Thai Military and Asian Region
M-346 FA: small fearsome national masterpiece - Online Defense
M-346 fact sheet | PDF
FIA16: Leonardo Aircraft Division: M-346 programme - the dual role concept | PPT
Brochure_M346_2016_rewind_2017 (as pdf, with no longer available source)