AirRB since the change has it gotten Worse? decompress 10.3 area

Since this change the decompression of AirRB tech tree has the AirRB matches gotten worse for specific RB in jets? Like should jets like the Mig-19 with no countermeasures be facing things like the F8U-2 and A-10’s or the Yak-28B with its top speed mostly ripping off its wings because everything it normally faces is 10.3 and are faster than it. Obviously this mess is because EVERY game a player plays is always an up tier in anything you play basically. Honeslty 10.3 NEEDS to be decompressed a person CAN NOT even play a 9.3 jet in this game. Trying to play a Mig-19 is a DAMN JOKE gaijin FIX YOUR MESS…

Wait for the next BR change round, they’ll go up.

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next BR change the 9.3-10.3 BRs will be decompressed don’t worry


ya hopefully and hopefully they actually fix the jets like the F104 facing jets that cant even each mach 1

They been saying that for years and all they do is mess something else up when trying to fix a problem that they have already caused.

The BR Decompress has been fine and I think has fixed a lot of issues, but…

They need to continue the decompress down the rest of the tree


they need to adjust the BR of several aircraft moved. Some need to be higher and some need to be lower.

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My poor attacker facing mig 15s and sabres…

Yeah, I was thinking things like Hunter F1 fighting F8Us

Theres actually quite a bit more they need to fix and I mean a lot. Honestly some stuff has gotten better but much of it needs to be still fixed I know you have figured out what ones should be where by now and what shouldn’t be.