Airfield AAA Discussion Thread - Air Realistic Battles

Is gaijin didn’t punish you for dying then maybe you could remove AF AA, but right now it needs to exist. Being a free kill for someone who did nothing to gain an advantage because you made a mistake is bad gameplay.

I think they should only have it activate when a player is landed on the AF, and 30 secs/1min after they have taken off again.

You made a mistake, you lose. That’s normal.
Yesterday I had a battle where I killed 8 guys, then got attacked by 3 more, missed my last 40 shells and died. What did the last 3 guys do to deserve the kill? Nothing.
Their teammates tied my up, forced me to use up all my ammo, removed my energy advantage.
And this is OK. Brcause this is a team game and my team has failed. I have no problem with that. I did not DESERVE any more chances that I got.
Such is life.

I shouldn’t die to someone who did nothing all match but ignore combat in order to prey on planes that can’t fight back. They do not deserve anything for doing that, because they have done nothing skillful in order to gain an advantage. They didn’t drain my energy, or outplay me, they just waited for a free kill. I refuse to support that behaviour.

You shouldn’t be able to die on the AF, but the AA should only protect you when you are physically landed on the airfield. What’s wrong with that? It removed the ability to abuse it, but it doesn’t make rearming pointless.

You should never be punished for playing the game.

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To be fair, conserving your energy and ammo is a strategy.

But I do agree that simply being damaged doesn’t mean you did something wrong. You can do everything right and still get hit by a bombers guns or a fighters wingman.

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Honestly I feel the korean jet/early vietnam air field defence seems about… OK.

It shoots rolands at you, which won’t catch you if you make a quick entry and egress to boom some camper circling above the airfield. However, it gets too numerous to dodge if you linger and eats all your energy.

It feels far more fair to me compared to the magic flak (that can delete you from the air even while maneuvering and flying rapidly WITHOUT friendly fire - if it had friendly fire like a flak box it’d make sense at least).

So tuning AAA to like the effectiveness of Rolands around the era of sabres and demons might achieve that without any special mechanics?


Yeah. As long as WT punished you for dying and/or trying to continue (rearm/refuel/repair), then you should always have protection on the AF. You shouldn’t be a free kill because you are trying to continue to fight, because that punishes that player for playing the game.

I agree. To me AF AA is only an issue at prop BRs, and it should be changed to be actual AA and not hitscan damage that you can’t outsmart.


I agree, I don’t think you should be entirely safe on the ground or infuse your AA envelope. Bombing and strafing aircraft are very real world tactics.

But that said it should be a dangerous thing to attempt.

Such people make the game easier for you and me. If we do our part, they can’t do anything, as they are outnumbered heavily anyway.

The problem with AF AAA is that it’s useful not only for camping, but also as a safe retreat.

I’ve had a match where dude in G.55S flew towards AF each time I tried to engage him.
If you know G.55 you do realise that if you’re below it in German plane and you are not a lot faster with some serious alt to spare, you’re in deep trouble as that thing barely compresses and has an excellent turn rate and is super pleasant to fly.
Unless you’re very good (I’m not) you have to make sure G.55 dies before you go fight at low altitude.
The thing is, you can approach the guy over and over and he’ll just head back to AF. Again if you aren’t a lot faster with some long-reaching gun, GL with that.

And how can we prevent such scenario?
What game mechanic will stop a guy in a perfectly fine plane to basically stall the game for you? Same tactic can be utilised by basically any plane in game, but when it’s a plane that’s very hard to counter once he has energy advantage…

Anyway, I see no good solutions to this that involve leaving AF AAA.
Unless it literally only targets planes once they kill somebody on/just above the AF/only works when a plane is landed/up to 30s after takeoff.

So give up your altitude advantage so the person camping AF can then get an altitude advantage and come after you lol.


There is a very simple counterplay, and that is that you push tab and check your mission objectives. Go get to fight the war you are supposed to fight.

It is called warthunder for a reason, this is a war being fought and not an air combat simulator.

The mode is called Air RB and there are dedicated fighters in it.
Being able to force people to face AI is ridiculous.

I’m sure my SAP and HEI/HEF-I shells will do wonders against that column of medium tanks.


It is also called realistic, so I don’t know why you would think you could find and enemy airfield without AA. Sure, we could make it a proper and much more rewarding mission to destroy the airfield AA and radar… but the existence and ways to deal or avoid is part of every pilots training. Unless you think we could find players interesting in manning the AA guns themselves we need AA to make the mode realistic.

It is not exactly realistic that magic hitscan “”“flak”“” can hit a low-flying fighter at 500+ km/h while maneuvering regardless of what you do on a timer WITHOUT also saturating the airspace and also hitting the guy that’s airfield camping (ergo: flakbox).

Rolands are well-made for korean jets.

WW2 magic flak is not. It should either be a physical projectile you can see, dodge and evade like the gepards at ground battles in EC6/EC7 sim brackets, or it should flat out saturate the air space and deal friendly fire to the airfield camper.


Well I mean most players seem to be mouse flying under the least “realistic” flight model, so calling it realistic is giant stretch

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Fighters made low level attacks on enemy airfields all the time.

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If its called war thunder where are my thunderstorms


Mouse aim is nowhere less realistic in terms of physics of the flight model.

All it is is a super-advanced flight-by-wire system that has perfect data input/knowledge of both the plane’s current state, environment and the pilot’s intentions.

Theoretically, a very skilled HOTAS user can achieve all the same outcomes under all the same circumstances as mouse aim. Reality of course differs - there’s a reason we put FBW in every fighter jet after apollo after all.

(plus it seems to really struggle with how to use the rudder properly and making efficient turns, so there’s situations full-real has advantages already)

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I love it to be less good, both if you fly over the frontline and the airfield, the AA lethality on some maps is rediculous. The discussion is more on the merrit and realism of having AA on an airfield at all.

Hahahahahaha. At first I thought you were serious.

But then you said that 🤣