Airfield AAA Discussion Thread - Air Realistic Battles

Now that’s a masterful performance!

Welcome back!

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You get to choose the fuel load, and when you do you make a compromise between longevity and performance. If you chose to take a low fuel load to be competitive, then you should have to take the risk of having to make yourself vulnerable when refuelling. This would make taking higher fuel loads actually a viable strategy.

You also are in control of your trigger discipline, and you are in control of whether you get damaged or not. If you run out of ammo or have to repair, that is probably because to some degree you did not play ideally early on. Its fair that you should have to face some sort of consequence.


You’re not entitled to a kill just because someone needs to RTB, nor are you entitled to a kill on an enemy landed on their AF.

The entitlement of you fighter jocks never ceases to amaze.


Exactly, but ground attack jocks and AF camper jocks will never understand that a PvP gane is not about running circles over your AF and wasting everyone’s time, like they think they are entitled to do. It’s about players actively trying to win.
Being able to simply remove the most common win condition from the game is a ridiculous move by AF camper jocks. They also know not everyone enioys camping the AF, yet that’s the only type of gameplay they consider worthy and skillfull.


Exactly. If AF AA was removed, a viable strategy would just be to camp around the enemy airfield waiting for someone to land. Being on an AF shouldn’t make you invincible, but it shouldn’t also make you extremely vulnerable.

I want allow tier AA to be changed to actual AA, and not the hitscan stuff we have currently. At higher BRs the AA is fine, but top tier could use an update.

The game isn’t only pvp. There are pve elements too.


I agree. AA should be effective without being atrocious - Top tier AA for an example is just absolutely worthless.

As for the cringe AF campers - The timer after repair/refuel/rearmed can be shortened by half before counting them inactive. As for those larping NASCAR above their AF that is trickier to address, so the viable solution to propose is to spawn more AI convoys sooner to destroy to catch up on tickets. There’s no good reason the team that PTFO’d better should lose just because they have less people.

Once again, Air AB/RB/SB are not solely TDM modes. Never have been and never will be. There always have been and always will be PvE-style objectives to complete to secure a win for your team. The sooner these fighter jocks wise up and accept reality, the better for them because all these years of tantrum throwing have been a waste of their time and energy - not to mention they’ll also be able to widen and improve playstyles accordingly.


You can 100% deny PvP. You can’t just casually deny PvE. Gaijin is doing anything ground attacking/AF camping jocks ask for!!!

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I just lost a game where my team had killed 95% of the enemy team within the first few minutes and it was around 6 fighters vs 1 left. While I and my team were ground pounding everything we could on this map, the lone enemy fighter (0 points score in total) was flying over his own airfield, trying to lure people into it.

The match ended actually as a defeat for us because all that was left of ground targets were pillboxes and tanks we couldnt kill and the ground AI slowly eliminated each other so that our progress bar went to zero, miliseconds before the enemy bar would.

Gaijin - you simply cant be serious that this is how this game is meant to be played. This is unnecessary frustrating. Fix this faulty game concept!

WHERE were the light ground targets that should spawn minutes before a match ends by ticket bleed so that people could still shape the outcome? WHY is the airfield AAA so overpowered that it creates a no-flyzone?

Airfield AAA simply should turn into their useless battlefield counterparts when there are only 2 or 3 players left in a team.

Replay link: Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On

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  • Due to your lack of understanding how Air RB game mechanics work on certain maps, your inability to adapt and plain wrong decision making by you and your team.

  • In other words: You try to shift of responsibility for your loss from you & your team towards gaijin just because you don’t understand how certain maps work.

In order to enlighten you:

  1. You and your team played 8 vs 1 after ~ 5 minutes
  2. The last enemy was a rather subpar player, so af aaa camping had to be expected.
  3. Your team understimated the ai interactions late game.
  4. The enemy team played PvE and killed all 3 non-respawning bases, your team killed not a single enemy base.
  5. So the ticket advantage they gained for each base kill plus the bonus for killing all 3 non-respawning bases (=mission objective) lasted long enough until the tickets dropped down to 40 vs 60.
  6. You played 12 minutes 8 and later 6 & 4 vs 1 without being able to kill a single tank or heavy pillbox? Even as yourself flew the Ta 152 C-3 with the MK 103 with HVAP rounds??? The famous tank killer from Ground RB???
  7. There is no ai vehicle spawn 5 minutes before the game ends on all 5 Frontline maps.
  8. Your Spit tried to bomb a large pillbox with a 225 lb bomb (2 times) - u need at least a 250 kg bomb and a direct hit to kill a large pillbox - basic knowledge…

I mean no offense, but if you see this list as a whole, you can’t deny that this looks like a massive skill issue on your part. The ability to “read” a game and to come to the right conclusions at the right point in time is a key skill factor.

To be fair - guys like this F4U-4B are extremely annoying - and he wasted a hell of time without gaining any benefit - he lost the game too.

As you might know: As soon as tickets go down symmetrically (like in this case 100 tickets per side) and both teams are below 100 like in your case 40 vs 60 tickets - both teams will be declared as loser. Only exception: 25 minute time ran out earlier. Was always like this.

All u had to do was to kill a single ai tank…

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So enemy team won via actions that require 0.skill - bombing bases and camping the AF. Perfectly balanced mode…

…assuming you’re spacebar pressing/AF camping jock.

In all honesty, avg player has 0 idea how many bombs normal pillbox requires. I learned this literally from your post, so can’t blame anyone for not knowing.


No, as written above: they lost too. As soon as auto ticket drops the tickets below 0 tickets for both teams: Both teams are declared as loser.

OK, they both lost, but barely. Denied the actual.skillful team the victory.

I do not expect a bomber player to gunship people out of the sky. But fighter players are.expected to kill heavy ground targets.

Anyway, the ticket bleed is a funny thing. I’ve been in a battle where it was like 1100 vs 716 tickets. I killed enemy bomber and they had a Hornet and J2M2 alive and I was missing Fw 190.F8 wing.

Then they lost 400 tickets for no reason whatsoever and I won (since I was the last guy around).716 vs 700 tickets.

Or maybe they lost 700. Anyway, we were clearly losing and won in the end cause of some random ticket bleed in the final 10s of playtime.

It was a game where I kinda escaped (edited the word reversed, since attacking him was not the point) J2M2 by running towards AF, I just really wanted to kill the bomber and lose with 4 kills. Instead I won a dirty win because the game handed me a ticket advantage for no reason.

E-sports ready.

Fully agree with that - i won this match after 17:35 minutes with 22:0 tickets - after i had a ticket lead thanks to a Brigand early game (17 ground kills).

The funny part: 3 seconds after my last kill the shells of an XA-38 hit own arty - so if he had killed my artillery 5 seconds earlier i would have had lost that match.

You see in the replay that i have done basic fighter work (=farming 3 clueless fighter players between 15:00 and 17:35 at or near their forward airfield thx to missing af aaa). I played before that 1 vs 5 as my last team mate in a Yak-9 went afk.


I´m a bit baffled by the edifying arrogance of your reply. Are you sure you´re not actually playing the devils advocate here and shifting away responsibility from Gaijin?

  1. I´m not ruling out that mistakes have been made by me during this match. That doesn´t change the core message of my post though that when a single player can deny the opponents team a landslide victory through intentional inactivity and the abuse of a game mechanic, there´s something profoundly wrong with the game.

The abuse of airfield AA is a commonly seen exploit that should be fixed by the devs. Full stop. Your post is the equivalent of telling Ground RB players who suffer from a spawn rape offensive, that it´s their own fault by not effectively denying the opponent this opportunity prior to it happening when the actual topic is why Gaijin allows unnecessary unfair game mechanics like spawn rape or airfield AA abuse in the first place.

  1. I was flying a stock plane without any AP/HVAP belts or bombs available so I had no direct means to defeat large pillboxes nor tanks.

  2. My teammates were all fighters and even though I reminded a fellow fighter pilot (the only one with a bomb symbol next to his plane) to rearm his bombload and attempt a bombrun on ground targets, which he positively replied, it didnt come to fruition.

In the end the behavior of my teammates is out of my own possibilities to shape a game.

  1. My life doesn´t revolve around WT and neither apparently did the life of the Spitfire pilot who tried to destroy a large pillbox twice with 225lb bombs. What you describe as “basic knowledge” I would actually describe as advanced knowledge as you wont find in the game nor even on the wiki and will have to dig deep through the forums. It´s absurd that you even bring this up as if the inability of my teammates was somehow in my own responsibility.

  2. I do hold the opinion that it´s the responsibility of a game designer to do his best to avoid “cheap” abuse of mechanics that defeat the overall idea of how a game is meant to be played and we have seen tons of airfield AA abuse over the years to the point where the prior system without any effective airfield AA was clearly preferable.

  3. One would assume that after defeating ALL enemy frontline anti-tank guns, machine guns and anti-air guns your ground forces would have an advantage in defeating the enemy tanks, equally enabling your own tanks to survive longer while also having an impact on the progress bar. Apparently neither of it is the case which I personally would discribe as unintuitive game design.

  4. Where was the situation I presented significantly different to the situation you described a few posts ago?

My sole aim was to show you that you lost due to own decision making - and not due to af aaa. That’s why i wrote:

Your team flew besides you and a fellow 162 mainly late Spits - i see daily guys killing ai tanks with 20 mm AP rounds, every few days guys doing this even with AN/M2 0.50 cals.

  1. Whilst i see your point and acknowledge your position - this was neither the root cause for your defeat (because the game is currently like it is) nor an exploit - otherwise gaijin would have closed this years ago.

  2. The fact that gaijin deleted af aaa on forward airfields in October last year might give you a hint that they are fully aware of what they are doing. That’s why i support constructive approaches like earlier in this thread (=airborne exit zones).

  3. I mean even if most matches are decided by TDM rules - wt prop Air RB gives at least a small chance to win a match with smart game play whilst playing PvE. In your case it was obvious that the F4U-4B had no clue what he is doing, otherwise he would have left very early or tried to benefit from af aaa to get kills - or climbed to very high alt when your whole team was low.

  4. Regarding the rest of your post referring to game mechanics (like spawn camping in Ground RB): Have in mind that the game looks exactly like the majority of new players want it to be - and gaijin’s goal is to please these new (and willing to throw a hell of money at them) players, not long term players…

  5. That’s why Ground RB players are forced to play mainly on urban / CQC maps and Air RB got 16 vs 16 - this makes it easier for rookies

  • The main difference was the outcome as there was never a chance to lose this match.

  • So it became just a waiting game; either to leave, farm ground, die to af aaa or just to wait at high alt.

  • Whilst in your case it was obvious (at least when your team killed all soft targets) that this might get a really close match and you might lose…

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Getting clipped by a VEAK 40 while turning away at 4 KM is rather annoying when I’m chasing down the singular remaining enemy.

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Daily dose of getting blasted by Airfield AA in props while going 720kph… airfield AA effectivness in props is far too excessive


Still better than getting blasted by SAM in goddamn Ta-152H. Rolands are not great, but god damn, props have some serious issues against those.
Basically this means any critically damaged jet that can still go over 600 can and wilm repair and fully regain its energy. And remember, we have afterburning, monstrously armed F89B and D at 7.0, seal clubbing props like there’s no tomorrow. Balance in the 6.0-7.0 bracket is completely non-existent.
The fact F80 and Me-262 are at the same BR, when I don’t even consider Me-262 a real threat to my F2G 99% of the time, while F80 just casually smacks everything it meets out of the sky is pretty telling. And then there’s BI at 6.7 with 25m of fuel at 25% throttle (so 6 times better fuel efficiency all of the sudden) XDDDD


Maybe if AA was longer range but worse?