Airfield AAA Discussion Thread - Air Realistic Battles

redirect the conversation back to the main point…you’re the one that redirected it away from the main point…you introduced yourself by insults and now you’re going to exit by insults lol. a true die hard I guess

Nice try attempting to move the goalposts, Goofy. Doesn’t impress me, though. Keep trying if you want.

Oh look, a flag. Cute.

Yet you’re not even attempting to get things back on track, so nobody’s any better here.

something tells me only someone that is better with insult would impress you lol. but I’m not going to respond again unless you actually say something useful other wise this is going to go way way off topic

I see this thread is still just as wholesome and friendly as always…
The inconsistency is getting worse. I can play one game, at the same BR, and AF AAA doesn’t do anything, and then another I get sniped 2km out…

What would actually impress me is if these dedicated fighter jocks finally came out and simply admitted that they don’t care about PTFO and only cared about only TDM regarding ARB.

But they’re so dishonest with their arguments so coming clean just isn’t possible with them. Hell, they already got their compromise with the forward AF AA being removed and they’re still crying that it’s not good enough.

They won’t be satisfied until AB, ARB and ASB are exactly like World of Warplanes. The modes are already enough of a headache without some ADHD CoDminds trying to make it worse.

A flag? Adorable.


@GNDM_Panzer Why is it in every thread you are always hostile you need to chill

Has always been like that

TS? the page that get updated every 3 months? jokes on you mfw

not a high bar to pass, the avg player in wt is ass (you are too)

you must be blind, no worries - i got you

negative in numbers of destroyed player per flyout and negative in number of destroyed AI vehicles per flyout

you all in all dogshit as fuck

your statcard says otherwise


Took your time to post all of that. Cute.

Yet I’m not the one crying in the forums because I refused to PTFO and lost to a single bomber. So jokes still on you. Keep coping.

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took my time?

Im switching between ingame and writing here

But if thats the only response you got, ig you ran out of bullshit takes

also, i dont see the coping? im talking to a brickwall that only has insults to offer lmfao

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I don’t need to say much of anything else. You’re the one having half a meltdown because you got called out for playing like a noob.

It was a criticism not a dick. Don’t take it so hard.

Do you think the people who complain about “fighter jocks” not playing the objective realise that the single biggest objective in Air RB is to eliminate the enemy team? It’s an elimination gamemode, not TDM, most matches end with the enemy team eliminated, and it’s the role for fighters. Bombers have a different objective to fighters, it’s in their name.

It’s pretty funny that the fighter objective can be completely cheesed by other players and classes by simply flying around an airfield, whereas you can’t just hold E to reach out of the cockpit,grab the bomber’s bombs and diffuse them on the way down. Though maybe asymmetric auto ticket bleed is a parallel to this for attackers, just that’s entirely out of player hands.

@GNDM_Panzer chill out and stop being so hostile. We’re here to debate airfield AA, not to call each other noobs and sling insults.

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Takes 2 to tango, fella. Anyways…

Most fighters have capable armaments and munitions capable of dealing with the majority of the ground targets, so the continued excuse about fighters not being able to ground pound is simply dishonest.

This is dishonest. It is not listed nor named as the biggest objective.

It is an option, just like it’s an option to;
Destroy all AI air
Destroy all AI ground
Destroy all bases and the enemy AF - Though this is BR dependent.

All options, minus the last because it’s nuanced to BR, are on the table to win the match. Players simply choose to prioritize enemy player elimination - Which is perfectly reasonable - Until it becomes a situation where that option is untenable. So when it comes to a wise player, the other options are weighed and chosen upon if they genuinely want to win. And if they’re just unlucky or an idiot? Well, sometimes you bring the loss upon yourself and other times it’s simply out of your hands. It is literally impossible to win every single match you partake in. That’s just life.


A very significant number of fighters in this game either have no suspended ordnance or very little. Take spitfires for example - only later ones get bombs, and that’s a single tiny bomb until you get to the Mk 18, 22 and 24. Typhoons get 2 bomb drops. Yak 3s don’t get anything. La-5s and 7s get a couple of bombs, 9s and 11s get nothing. Sure, American fighters have pretty good carry capacity across the board, but that still doesn’t let them stack up against dedicated attackers and bombers. And most fighters that can carry bombs, only carry one or two small ones (like 50kg, 60kg, 100kg, 250kg, 250lb, 500lb). I don’t even know if the 50kg ones can pop light pillboxes, but they certainly can’t pop regular pillboxes.

A spitfire can do bugger all to destroy anything other than howitzers with its piddly .303s, and the moment it destroys a few, the new midmap AA mechanics will start lighting it up.

So that leaves you in a lot of cases with just cannon fire. Which, seeing as you’re using that to shoot players, and given the limited capacity of fighters, is gonna run out pretty quick, and can’t damage tanks at all in most cases, especially with air belts loaded. And then you have to RTB to get more bombs and ammo after destroying only a couple of ground units, and by that time the game’s already over.

To say nothing of how silly it is to carry ground ordnance at the start of the match, seeing as that’s sabotaging your earlygame impact and is gonna leave you at a huge energy disadvantage against enemy fighters.

So no, most fighters don’t have armaments and munitions capable enough to equalise a ticket disadvantage.

Does it have to be listed or named? It’s an elimination gamemode. This is how elimination gamemodes work. Are there other win conditions? Yes. Are those other win conditions achieved nearly as frequently? No. Is it reasonable for an alternative win condition to be achieved solely because of an AI game mechanic that requires no player skill or even input? No. And that lattermost one is the topic of debate, so engage with it.

Like it or not, playing to destroy all enemy players in a fighter is playing an objective - it’s playing the fighter objective.

The entire point of this thread is to debate over whether it’s reasonable for said option to be untenable purely because someone is trying to learn how to draw a perfect circle in the sky above their airfield. We are not debating whether some losses are inevitable regardless of what you try.

It’s pretty ridiculous for the loss to be “simply out of your hands” because somebody fled to their airfield and camped, letting a busted game mechanic play for them.

Instead of calling others idiots, dishonest, and generally insinuating that you’re better than them, you should learn some humility, listen to others’ contributions to the topic, and engage honestly in the discussion.


When taking a step back and reviewing this on a purely objective basis, GNDM PANZER@live is right.

Since a decade, winning in air comes down to

Destroy all Player,
Destroy all AI Air,
Destroy all AI ground
Destroy all bases and the enemy AF - Though this is BR dependent.

-like he said.

Additionally, this “busted” game mechanic was in Warthunder since the start, and objectively speaking, the Ju288 did everything right.

He denied you the kill and his team won due to superior AI Ground pounding.

General AirRB isn’t just plain TDM, it’s more to it since a decade and ever has been.

  1. Oftentimes there are plenty of ground AI cluttered together that even .303s can destroy. The reason ticket deficit exists 9 times out of 10 is because all these squishy ground targets were ignored. Additionally, you don’t need to rely strictly on pylon-fitted ordinance on a fighter to mow ground AI. You’re still being dishonest with this argument, trying to insinuate that fighters are severely handicapped. They are nowhere near as handicapped as you want to imply they are.

  2. Calling AF AA an alternative win mechanic is blatantly dishonest. It is a mechanic that exists that protects player aircraft while they land and refuel, rearm and take-off. Do people abuse it just so they don’t get shot down? Yes, we all know they exist. However, it is the exception to typical WT player behavior - Not the rule. Folks throwing a fit over it as often as they do is childish.

These people that hide in the AF AA bubble when they have ticket lead are easy to ignore because 9 times out of 10 they won’t even leave it after you go off to hit ground/air AI. They will stay in it until match end, which means that until then you can go unimpeded on closing the ticket gap.

  1. Yes, it is perfectly reasonable. Are those people lame? Sure, but what they are doing isn’t a ToS violation. Advocating for the compete removal of AF AA is a goddamn fool’s errand and if done, will result in the death of air matches. Because only the ADHD CoDminds will play a mode where they can’t land to rearm, repair and refuel. I can say for sure that if I wanted that type of bullshit gameplay I’d go play World of Warplanes.

  2. What’s out of your hands, my hands and the hands of others are matches that end up in losses because people didn’t PTFO. Wasting the entire last half of a game babysitting someone is a personal choice and a personal issue when there are other options to pursue to try and close the gap and get the win.

The gaggles of idiots called " teams " that PTFO better are the ones that win. That’s always been the case.

Additionally, calling the arguments of others dishonest when they are being unintentionally or genuinely dishonest is simply keeping level with people. If you get offended over it that’s not my problem. Make a better argument.


It’s not “more to it”, it’s less to it actually. Less skill, less fun, less teamplay.
But the JP2GMD guy hates air RB so it’s not surprisi g he’s defending whatevwr game mechanic is making this mode less enjoyable. He also absolutely sucks at Warthunder.

I’d take everything Loofah says with the smallest grain of salt. Dude is an absolute stereotypical fighter jock that only wants air to be TDM between fighters with no bombers, no strike aircraft, no AI and no AF.

He has terrible arguments and is flagrantly dishonest simply to push his agenda.

He’s quite literally the RazorVon/AlvisWisla for ARB.

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you push your agenda via insulting others, discredit everyone that does not agree with you.
nice habbit

also im agreeing with 100% ARB needs a change, especially toptier.

but as it is right now, the main goal is to kill the enemy team, hell its even saying in the loading screen “destroy enemy fighters”

groundpounding and base bombing is completly fine, especially for planes with that intended role.
wich is also not the topic of this thread
plain AF AA camping whenever feeling unsafe is a stupid way to play the game, you stretch the game for the enemy, for your teammates and for yourself. in the time you play NASCAR Roleplay you couldve already be in a new game and get more rewards.

its just stupid to base your whole gameplay on AF Camping