Theres a new trick, carry a snall bomb on fighters, if they cant get you off there 6 drop bomb before slaming into ground. And before you say it, NO, fighting at altitude carrying a small bomb, not attacker’s
This is why I’m in favor of crediting “maneuver kills”.
It should be awarded to the closest enemy of the crashed player, and only if the kill wouldn’t already be awarded to someone else.
There should also be a maximum distance to the crash, to distinguish between regular accidents and maneuver kills.
Maybe simular to, if they j out when you have them targetd
Purposefully ramming into the ground and bailing out is the same action, in my view.
I would also want to take account for crashes resulting from evasive action. Those should also count as a “maneuver kill” for the opposing side.
if im in a f111 and some one in a fighter specifically targets me out of all the fighters on my team, yeah im crashing into the ground.
Holy necrothread Batman!