Air vehicles needs teamkill off

What if you had the Mk.14 Torpedo, but it is flying? Y’know, the “fish” so bad that its only kill was a friendly vessel (until its issues were ironed out).

Exactly, that was what happened to me. Soaring through the sky with the strike eagle, I just bombed a base and perhaps, to compliment the rewards, I opted to shoot down a Su-34; he bursted out in flames. So my shot decides to do the next best thing; track a friendly.


The horrifying incident above shows why F-15E needs airspawn (without missiles), but of course, that is a topic for another day. Everyday I feel guilt about the virtual pilot and his war thunder friend list.

That goes for hundreds of TK cases everyday. Most famously, of nuke carriers being shot down.

I think we need to be consistent with the teamkill mechanics. If tanks cannot be teamkilled, then why should planes?

Such a pointless mechanic that allows for conflicts, especially in the times of the unstable world these days. Flags, teamkill, and even chatting was given extreme delay due to world events. I think same should be done for planes to promote harmony between players and community wellbeing, reducing the incidents of misunderstanding, the pathways in which the antisocial behaviors can be displayed.

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