Air Simulator Battle Rewards

I think i’ve had this once in the Tornado Gr1.

But yes, new SB brackets will 100% fix this. Of course an 11.3 is going to struggle against 12s and 12.3s that is the whole point of Battle Ratings

That though, Yeah, experienced a few times recently.

The real Sim experience? I play top tier too and do well in my F14, F15, or F16. It isn’t much different than playing my Mig23ML, or my Tornado IDS, or my F4S, or Sea Harrier. But then again, I avoid busy lobbies. Something you can’t do in Realistic. If you were forced into fuller lobbies instead of having a choice, then I’d give you some credit. If you are getting destroyed by Mig29s around the airfield, maybe try a different airfield. There is more than one in Sim. Not in Realistic though, you’re bottlenecked into that single one (technically two now, but they live on top of each other anyways so whatever) to rearm/refuel. Top tier planes have IFF, it may have issues, but I haven’t tked anyone that my plane has identified as friendly because I also check my RWR for enemy plane designations before engaging. Oh yea, Tking in Realistic also tanks your reward for SL in the game. If you fight 12.7s as an 11.0 you’re doing it wrong. I’ll put a picture up of the lobbies where 11.0 is going to get wrecked (sarcasm of course). Oh wait, 11.0 as the max br in a game? That isn’t 12.7 guess you can have fun now…

The real sim experience is probably props since there is no flying aids (SAS Modes). If you were advocating that, I would agree. High tier sim is a waaaaay different story and doesn’t really have many serious differences compared to the gameplay of realistic.

Literally the very first thing you said.

There really isn’t any constructive discussions here. You have a very one track view of how you want things, and changing your mind isn’t going to be possible. You have demonstrated that your interpretation is the only one with how you have addressed the OP.

If you are happy with the rewards then so be it. Some people don’t enjoy the nonsensical take off and furball approach that is RB. Having objectives and investing time is how some people want to play. It does operate more akin to a simulator.

You can state the game is so and so. The big issue is that your claims are counter to what Gaijin is advertising all over the Internet. Their commercials are stating it’s a game based around realism, not about balanced combat.

Having been here for over a decade, it’s definitely gotten more balanced focused which is sorta boring. I’d rather have a realism focused game. That being said, if I invest in that, I’d like matching rewards for the time given if that’s the only form of earning progression.

Anyways, have fun shutting down anything that’s not your experience.

No it is much worse. You abused mouse aim.
Your Performance in planes with forward facing guns is rather bad. But with 3rd person mouse aim abuse you perform well (who would have thought /s).

You kill much more planes in a b-25 than a fw190 that’s a bad sign. You struggle to get more jills than deaths in fighters but in bombers with mouse aim gunners you are aiming for the kdr of 3…

Why do you like SB if you don’t want to play it as a Simulation but in stead as a railshooter?

You don’t like the mode, you like that bombers have unfair and unrealistic advantages. You couldn’t care less about the gameplay of a simulation.

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You’re the one that won’t let the PVP/PVE mode stuff go. You haven’t discussed anything other than that in the whole post even though I attempted to move past it.

So what is your opinion on the rewards that the OP got? Do you think it was fair for having 90k worth of repair costs and an average lifespan of 9 minutes? I don’t think he deserved more rewards based on the information I could gather from the post.

I do think SL rewards are pretty awful for tech tree planes and that it can be difficult to go positive in SL. I have no clue on what could be done for TT aircraft that wouldn’t make premium aircraft even more overpowered. One issue that we somewhat touched on is the game lobby problem. Some people never play in lobbies with more than 5 people. That makes it less dangerous than Realistic. If every game lobby had the maximum amount of players in them at all times, then it would be a different story. Perhaps that could change and it would be better for everyone? Then there wouldn’t quite be such a difference in experiences between players.

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I misunderstood some earlier post, ill keep mine so everyone can understand the next post, but i dont agree anymore with what i wrote



Top tier non premiums vs tier VII premiums, do you know that premiums make more SL/RP right?. Yesterday I managed to get almost 140k SL in a single match with the Saab J35XS just for a few minutes. And if I wait for the right moment, I could show you matches with a lot SL/RP even with non-premiums but with a premium account, but that doesn’t mean that the rewards are waay to low. Guess what, not everyone plays with premium or premium vehicles. I do, but I can put aside my case and understand the point of the thread.

Just the spawn of a fully armed F16C (2 aim7m and 4 aim9m) its going to cost you ~15k SL, you need at least 3 kills just to compensate that, and if the matches ended too fast without the useful bonus (1 kill per match or less) youll end up lossing a lot of SL.

You’re trying to compare apples with bananas. RB = small maps, 3rd person view with a 360-degree view, you don’t need the radar to know who is who 90% of the time as their aircraft type, name and distance shows up, just to lock and shoot. Of course you’ll be more in danger but it’s easier to play that mode than SB.

A lot of the RB players will not be able to even take off in a prop in sim mode, and don’t forget the landing part. (I’m not even saying to do a proper landing, just land without any damage)

If you add EC with bigger maps in RB you’ll be able to repeat the same as there’s always points of Air to Air battles ignoring bombers. The only problem is their humongous tag around the aircrafts, but core of that game mode.

No it doesn’t. It doesn’t make sense to punish players just because they can’t or don’t like SB battles. There’ll be always abusers in almost any game that has some kind of a progression system, but you’re punishing proper SB players to “limit” their earnings.

Because is a core element of EC. You can’t ignore that. I understand that you want a pure dogfight battle as random RB but guess what, a lot of sim players wanted that, just read some threads of the old forum.

EC vs normal air SB, a simple comparison - Air Battles - War Thunder - Official Forum

I play the same as those “farmers” in IL2 (bombing bases) with 90% time being killed in the way by other fighters or by the AAAs but having some progress in favor of my team and no one will tell me anything as its more “realistic”. So, why does someone need to play differently here? is it just because its “simpler” or because you want a pure dogfight mode or is it because they want and can spend their time in a different way?

We need to have better rewards for all the different playstyles. If you don’t want to bomb, its ok, but let other people enjoy their game as they want and being rewarded for their time used in the game.This text will be hidden

Lets start off with this: You can quote things but absolutely ignore the rest of what I wrote in the same comment.

First quote - Answered in the comment directly above yours. You even quoted that comment later, so I don’t see how you missed it.

Second quote - I mentioned that props are the true Sim experience in another comment, but I will say that flying top tier jets isn’t that hard in Sim. It is harder than using pointer aim, but using mouse joystick isn’t much harder. Especially with damping SAS Mode. The people that use full sim setups get screwed the most here, because you aren’t required to use sim gear to fly in Sim. When we have this discussion of how hard it is to fly, the easiest and most accessible way to fly is the primary discussion. Anyone that uses more difficult controls are making it harder for themselves. The jet’s radar even tells you who is an enemy with the IFF functions. I will say it one more time, Sim isn’t as dangerous of a mode because you can pick a lobby with 4 people and play for 3 hours.

Third quote - Go back and read what I said. You don’t understand anything I’ve said because you haven’t read it all. I am a strike/bomber main in Sim too. You’d know that if you would have read through the thread. A pure dogfight mode doesn’t interest me at all, that’s why I never said there should be one.

Now, do you want to talk about what the OP actually talks about? How he feels slighted by Gaijin because he spent 2 hours attacking bases and only got 90k rp and it seems like he intentionally crashed each flyout. How that would negatively effect his rewards and that it is his own fault by having an average lifespan of 9 minutes? How about we discuss that instead of all this other stuff that has already been discussed 5 different ways?

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My bad, i misunderstood you and i though an earlier answer was yours. Sorry.

Returning to the main topic

While I understand your points, that the way he played looked very exploitable and he should be punished, I’m still against that and I suggest that even that should be rewarded properly. Why? Because punishing him affects everyone and right now the game has very low rewards. There should be other ways to affect the bots, but I’m always in favor of increasing the rewards instead of punishing the player base. Also, as i said before, those are different ways to play the Game.

Dunno if it’s a bug, but even for my first spawn it costs me 15k, I have premium and with a few kills I can counter the cost, but there are times that the tickets doesn’t allow me to do anything, so I’ll lose those 15k SL.

At higher tiers it’s more probable to have some spawn campers, so you could die way too fast and keep paying those 15k SL can lead to you not be able to spawn again. It has happened to me, being killed by a friendly and then by some Spawn Campers that I couldn’t spawn again just because in less than 30 min i lost more than 45k SL. (I bought a lot of vehicles to keep my research so yeah, I was low in SL). And I don’t think I’m a terrible F16C player.

And I’m not counting the accidental TK that could cost you between 90k to 100k SL. So you need a lot of kills, ground bases, etc just to keep with your income or play other game modes.

If we looked at Ground Battles and other modes, I could spawn and don’t die for the entire match so the only payment I need to do is for rearming, if I died, no problem, I could leave my vehicle to be repaired for free (or has the priced reduced) depending on how much time I used that vehicle in the match (cheaper for less time in the air).



The initial cost for a F16C (first spawn)

Another match, i didn’t die but i needed to pay that initial spawn

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I think one solution would be that rewards aren’t as time dependent. Even giving 50% of the reward up front would go a long way in my opinion. It would be even better if you are getting alot of kills quickly or striking multiple ground targets in quick succession. It would make premiums even more powerful, but that’s what people pay for premiums for anyways.

I’ve noticed that with the new premium account bonuses, as long as you don’t teamkill you won’t go negative in SL no matter how many spawns you have. For example if you are trying to spade the F-16 ADF and you go at it in sim, you could die 20 times and go in the hole massively, but after that game ends you will get that “expense reimbursment” or whatever it is called if you go negative as a whole. You do have to wait a long time for games to end to see that reimbursement, but that means you could effectively grind a plane at a loss of sl but gain massive amounts of rp.

The initial spawn cost is a bit much, that I’ll agree with. But the repair costs coupled with the time based rewards are the real killer. You just can’t make up that difference if you perform well and then die. I recently had a game in my F-15 where I got 3 kills in about a 4 minute span and then died, but still didnt make up my full respawn cost. I think they could cut respawn costs by around 30 percent for just about anything (not premiums) and it would be great. Since there is a sort of soft cap on what you can do in a short amount of time, then respawn costs don’t need to be so high.

Compared to the other modes, Sim does have a few exploitable features that could change. Like the lobby selection, I think it could be like the normal matchmaker and go off of your highest br plane, and then you stay in that lobby for the duration. Make it to where people can join after people leave, but prioritize full lobbies. Tjat would be a huge change and make the overall experience more genuine. When I first started with Air Sim, I thought that if you joined a lobby and then left that your planes in that br range were locked out of selecting a new lobby. I think that should be the case. It is kind of harsh, but lobby hopping to avoid danger isn’t fair to any other game mode and people take advantage as much as possible for those easy grinding sessions.

That’s the problem.

Doesn’t that make it easier for the bots?
Instead of having to be effective in the match, you can do the bare minimum and still get the same rewards…???

And I thought the moderation team has gotten much better recently? All the ban lists etc. So why not ban the bots (Because you are capable of that by now) and properly reward players for their effectiveness?

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If you had paid attention to the previous ban list, you would not have asked this question. :)

the use of premium having no repair cost in sim makes it worse, the amount of rocketeers that just spawn, fly the same way, die the same way is ruining it for people who play w out premium craft/time because they aren’t paying repair cost, and are only gaining because of how much rocketing gives; also hardly helps their team win and are just annoying to have since they cry when they’re killed

i play top tier air sim without premium planes, if it’s not top tier it’s roughly the 10.7–11.3 bracket

the amount of money i lose because the reward given to me for killing aircraft compared to spawning is awful

i can kill 5 people in quick succession, bomb a base and then die after 10~ mins flight time and i don’t gain as much as an F-4S with rocket spam who lives for 5 minutes

it’s honestly ridiculous for people who do the objectives gaining nothing compared to people who just braindead salvo

air rb is a different kettle of fish, strike aircraft are slow and left behind with no one to defend because it’s a 16v16 fvckfest where all the fighters rush in for kills which means they fly past the friendly bases, and there’s defenceless you waiting to be mauled

if it was like 10v10 with a few objectives and more than one AF, further one for strike it would be better and cause new playstyles

but thats ARB and not for this forum

increase spawn cost for premium planes, decrease SL modifier slightly, rework rewards so if you kill someone you haven’t got to be alive as long for 100% rewards, this would stop base rocketeers that just spawn, fly 5 mins, die, repeat

Hello Game Master!
Air Sim right now looks like it only awards SL, as RP gains are thrown out of the window and vastly reduced.
For each Useful Action, you can get around 3000-4000RP (without premium ofc)
Often, players only get 4 useful actions if they play for an hour (this includdes by bombing)
4x4000 = 16000RP. For one hour of gameplay. That amount of RP can be easily reached in Air RB, and that’s only if you manage to make it to AF. Otherwise, 4x3000 = 12000.

Solution? Inflate RP gains depending on what action was done before the UsAc, because bombing can be done constantly, and if you know what you’re doing, you might only be near players a few time, but they do that while being in a battlefield filled with fighters, obviously dangerous. Buff the rewards for bombers and strike aircraft accordingly. Then there’s those who fight players all the time… most of the time. Buff rewards for fighters and interceptors accordingly.
Because we can all agree, 16000 in 1 hour is not worth it.

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Might as well buff slightly fighter rewards above the strike ones once that change is done, to reduce the amount of bombers slightly by giving them a non-destructive incentive to pick up other roles too, spice of life is variety after all. Hopefully prevents PvE from becoming a major worry for gaijin

Indeed, sim only works for event or “fun” since you know, it doesn’t have the pathetic name indicator on enemies. Forget about sl/rp gain, I can’t imagine a 16vs16 bot room

The only way rp is worth is with premium + prem vehicle + boosters

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Consequences against “Bots” has long been a used as an argument to reduce income and increase grind. Honestly, it’s not about the bots. It’s just to tighten the screw to the max.

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