Air Sim Ground Unit Traction

Why can convoys in Air Sim climb 45° slopes through the mountains of Afghanistan, but if a player tries to do the same thing in their tank, they slide down? This is some AI bias.

Game breaking.

Probably for the same reason those convoys sometimes just… burrow underground. (happens on Siani all the time). They are just following an invisible track


Same reason why they can kill you from 3 km out with one shot while driving at high speed up those bumpy mountain roads you mentioned…

All AI units in sim matches, be that air, ground, sea, are completely outdated, are scripted and do not behave like player vehicles in any way.


@Morvran this was mainly a joke post, but the more I think about it and the more you and @Schindibee point out, the less of a joke it is.

Can either of you confirm that Gaijin said they are modernizing airfield SPAA in ASB for Top Tier?
If so, it would give me hope they would revamp their AI scripts.

Been rumours of an AI overhaul for years, but by the fact we’ve had no new maps in 2.5 years for ASB. Ive not got a lot of faith