Air SIM EC without Air-to-Air missiles

morvaran and others have right . "ITS MADE FASTEST FIGHTER IMPOSSIBLE TO TAKE DOWN, IF THEYR ONLY WANT TO AVOID FIGHT AND BOMB BASES, BEACOSUE THEYR CAN EASLY REACH SPEED ABOVE RIP WINGS OF OTHERS. U CANT USE ALT ADVANTAGE TO BEING FASTER , BEACOUSE U GONNA DROP MAYBE NOT IMPORTANT PART OF PLANE BUT MAKING FLYING MUCH EASIER, OWN WINGS". I rly understand u, and basicly idea isnt bad, all beacosue of small maps. Too small fro fox 3 missiles. I belive biggest problem are players using SIM as a farm… U know guys, what i heard today about my family??? Both teams was know about my mom a lot, only beacouse engage enemy… wtf is that>??? maybe better is special PVE mode when arcade players can farm :)

An absolutely useless mod that will only cause a lot of balancing problems. If you want to play only with cannons, go to the lower tiers.

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This would be the PvE ABusers dream… noone firing missiles at them so they can farm more easily. At least ban ground ordnance as well.

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That explains your own personal preference, but not why you think it shouldn’t be an option for the players that want it.

I would like to see a BR where jets and missiles didn’t mix.

I would also not mind a way to join a game mode with no air to air missiles (i.e. dogfights). I’d imagine if such a mode were created it would yield very limited sl/rp but would be a good place to learn the art of dogfighting.