Air SIM controls?

Before going into top tier SB, I would recommend playing lower tier jets first, like 10.0 ish, it’s a little bit annoying when you are flying your Phantom, then you see an R-27ET flying at you at mach jesus and your flares do nothing. Then there’s the invisible AIM-9M…

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yeah thats why i wanna stay at below 11.0 since thats the most fun

I have to say though, sometimes you can sneak an 11.3 into an EC8 game, that can be fun sometimes ;)

yeah someone tried to explain the EC system to me once… flew over my head lol

so does anyone know how to invert Pitch axis while in relative control for SIM?

nvrmnd, got it!

There’s a wiki page on it
There’s a section on the BRs

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i play with M and KB and im totaly fine just needs a lot of adjusting like trimming and other stuff :D

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