Air RB base respawning

These are not general norms of decorum but your personal decision that no matter how fast other players are, this is YOUR personal base that no one else may touch. That borders on delusional. Especially since such a ping does not usually even give a damage% information and the pinger may never get there alive.

Then don’t feel entitled to a base because you click on it.

Sure it is if you ever look on the maps and see many dots approching it faster than you do. Why should they not bomb the base? You go bomb something else. There are plenty of targets left.

I have no problem that you are upset about changes in the game, but that doesn’t give a damn right to kill another, faster player. That is just LOW, a problem of character.

I didnt say i tk’d. I said i was tempted.

I was decrying the result of the mechanic change.
Temptation is not the same as action.

Was just about to a buy a top tier Premium but i guess ill be saving my money, now i cant bomb anything with my f105d plus no flares at 10.0

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I’m have exactly the same problem, as it stands the F105 is just unplayable, all the F4 and spam of F111 destroys all the bases well before they are within my reach, it also has no flair so the slightest SU25 and A10 we cannot approach them within 4km, the same for all hunters with R60 and Magic, they are just useless at this br…
And the fact that it only has 0.3 br difference with the F111 is a dirty joke…

Keep it the way it is, Air RB is a mainly PvP focused game mode with some PvE on the side, if you want to pve go play air assault arcade.
To quote someone else who really likes the new clouds “just adapt to it :)”

Why can’t it be both? It has been and it can be again.

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TBF, that is strictly again because of Gaijin. Air RB used to be full PvPvE where destroyed bases and AI would heavily bleed tickets (there were also twice as many tickets) If your fighters were incompetent and couldn’t kill the strike/bomber aircraft then you would lose quickly. But in usual gaijin nature they forced players hands into a single playstyle more and more. We’re seeing it yet again with these base changes, and as someone else stated even ground rb is starting to be forced into these Flat Straight sight shootouts.


This change is overall detrimental to player fun. Whether or not you like attacker/bomber gameplay isn’t reason to be callous toward your fellow player for a change almost everyone playing those vehicles dislikes. Everyone want’s war thunder to be more fun, and less grindy - less artificially gimped to frustrate the player into buying premium time and vehicles to hasten progress.

Regardless, even if you think attackers/bombers are useless and a burden to your team - this update has made the game worse for you, too. As I stated before;


I am not sure if you are on the right track with your conclusion.

You could also argue that gaijin implemented this respawning bases nonsense as they were unable to balance bombers with high tnt load - and much more likely they got tired of countless discussions regarding difficulties to grind.

So they invented the respawning base nonsense in order to satisfy the sheer masses of players looking for easy SL/RP income - and killing the impact of their actions with a very small ticket reduction as a result of a base kill.

Bomber etiquette used to be a thing, though it’s mostly limited to sub 6.0 when all the bombers were slow and spawn high and there isn’t many strike aircraft running around. After 8.0 pinging means essentially nothing


It makes sense if one can win with an airfield kill. Then it is a winning move.

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I ping to warn people that I’m getting to that base before them.

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the higher in br u go , the less people care if you ping or not.

i also agree the respawn rate should be increased, it was so much more fun AND if you knew you would not be the first you could just lay back a bit and go in as the second wave.
Maby they increased the rate because of the mission tickets( or whatever u call the red bar on top) it took of after all those bases were bombed?
i guess they could keep the rewards but add a decreasing formula for the mission tickets after each respawn set? …(thinking out loud here)

Respawn rate was increased months ago, sadly it was decreased.

No, it was almost instantaneous in higher tier jet maps after the SoA update. That is gone now.

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Same here and it annoys me when ppl don’t do that. We are in the same team, lets just not waste each others time.
We are going for the same base, you have faster plane, just let me know. I will go somewhere else.

Did Gaijin really nerfed base respawning? Did they explain Why?

No, but we can guess that it was due to the recent RP changes/incentives for players, as well as the addition of a bomber that can clear out 4 bases in one bomb run. It’s a real shit attempt at balancing.

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it was increased in sons of atilla yes, but it has just been decreased to like 4+ minutes

Granted i havnt played ARB in the last week or so, but a week ago when the new major patch came out it was not 20-30 seconds like it was before the patch, it was atleast 4 minutes in all the 20 games i played on patch day. And like people have said earlier in the thread, the nerf to respawn timers is not a bug, so you are clearly wrong

I did not stop times, but I can confirm that the bases spawn slower. Multiple times today, 2 or 3 bombers were circling the map, waiting for base respawns… we remained civil and communicated, and each time we all got our bombs on proper targets.

Also, in the discussion what is missing is the fact that some planes are not able to go after ground targets properly… think of the heavy strategic bombers, those just are not cut to do CAS and go after ground targets… So if you are in say a B-17 and are on 6000 meters - you circle and wait, and climb some more… going after tanks is just pointless, they will not be where your bomb lands even if you aimed 100% right…

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