Air RB and its possible rework

As a strike aircraft main at the moment I guess, I don’t really see the problem. They tend to have some AA advantage unless they’re something like the Buccaneer which in the current meta is nigh useless. Bombers on the other hand…

Not sure what respawns is supposed to achieve. One thing I’d hope this would do is remove the aspect of ARB where everyone heads to the middle to form the furball from start as this happens even on those large maps with lines drawn and advanced objectives (people seem to be omitting these from these discussions). But the thing is… you’re not obliged to join those furballs. I don’t, at least not at first. And avoiding being third partied is something even I consider skill, not luck.

Add more ground AA? Please no. We’ve only just had AA removed at least from forward airfields. We just need missile to be nerfed and/or better countermeasures added to stop top tier from being such a point and click adventure.

Not sure about NPC events either. I would prefer actual missions for players but knowing the WT community, they would be ignored anyway.

Sorry for not being very constructive, but I think that despite some of the whinging (not you, in general), players really do want this team deathmatch mess.


to most of your points really just to increase match times and take engagements higher have more risk in losing bases as attempt to spread people out which we gave examples of what to switch them to i would say just remove multipath and a few less players but that doesn’t seem to be an option with gaijin and i personally would prefer respawning and going back into combat immediately instead of requeuing just for everyone to die in 5 min but it seems most people dont like that idea

Thank you for your feedback.
Glad someone who plays strike aircraft a lot chimed in.

The reason is, they really don’t do much. At the end of the day even EC is a deathmatch.

You aren’t but once it’s over the game is almost over as well. Only a few players survive, so if you didn’t get your kills there you’ve missed your chance. I think that flying through or next to one to bomb isn’t really pleasant either.

We are thinking of other ways to solve the issue, we aren’t really firm on more AA. We aren’t firm on any proposed solution, given that we find a better one of course.

I really have no idea what people want, but I know a lot of my friends have been increasingly unhappy with ARB over the last year or so.

thats just to keep people entertained if these were longer matches for a reward

You failed to ask the most important question- will this make Gaijin more money?
If not you just wasted your precious time. It saddens me to see posts with this much effort and passion go to waste so that gaijin can address posts like ‘we are adding X vehicles in the next update’.
Just compare how much traction useless posts talking about vehicles get against these kind of posts.

Making a better game will def make them more money. Having those premium strike aircraft usable in ARB as well as GRB doesn’t sound bad either.

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it was fun to make regardless just brewing up some ideas very very very small chance this means anything


Players have been trying to make them understand that for years!! It just doesn’t work.

I honestly don’t know. This is kinda a last ditch effort from me. If they introduce ARHs without any change I will probably stop playing the game. I mean they probably will at least for this update, but if they don’t show any initiative towards fixing ARB I am not coming back. It’s just unfun right now.

Idk why y’all keep saying this.
They have acknowledged that airRB needs a change, and they stated they will change it up with the ARH update.
Just let them cook before assuming the worst

the last time they cooked we had to review bomb them XD


im speechless…
cause youre right :D

I want to believe, can you please point me to where they said that. Unless if you mean this

im not wasting my time looking for a line of text to win an argument on the war thunder forum
But no, i dont mean this. If i remember correctly, it was after the testing for ARH ended (maybe during ) on the dev server

Okay, I’ll go look for it

Gl @themadseventeen

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Yes please rework is needed. Air rb is not fun right now.

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A lot of people talk only about increasing map size but this wouldn’t change a thing, the “EC” map that we have now are still the same thing, everybody still meet a one and only point, the only difference is that it’s just takes longer to get there

What we need is just an adaptation of the SIM EC to RB, there’s not a lot of work to do.

Allies markers should stay, ennemy markers should go away.
In the actual RB mod, when there is a sunset, I don’t know if it’s a bug or not, but enemies markers tends to appear a lot less and it make the game more enjoyable.

And i would love that top tier fighter would have there bombing and CAS equipment to be actually useful


I agree, just increasing map size isn’t enough. But it had to be increased at some points because planes were getting faster and missiles got longer reaching.

We were going for something that is similar to SIM EC, but we put some twists on it.

I think this is part of the spotting system, but I am not sure.

You and me both

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@Macekeeks and @themadseventeen

I read your proposal and the following discussion. You put a lot of effort in it - this shows passion. I support everybody who is passionate about the game and tries to improve it.

Imho you might consider the following (valid for all proposals):

  1. Ask yourself what kind of player types play Air RB with which goal.
  2. Ask yourself what kind of player types are more profitable for gaijin.
  3. Ask yourself how many passionate (and experienced) pilots are able to take a neutral and sober view on proposals if their own goals whilst playing the game are threatened.

You might agree that Air RB is dominated by:

  1. Pure grinders (bomb, bomb, bomb…)
  2. Pure shooter players (kill, kill, kill,kill…)

This leads to the following:

  • Both groups are not really interested in more complex game play as they follow just individual goals and use Air RB just as a tool to achieve their goals.

  • Depending on their own goals any proposals which change the status quo are either good or bad - and every real and straw man argument will be used to increase their chances to achieve their goals, or simply deny others to pursue their goals.

  • Imho these mentioned groups are the main customer groups for gaijin.

  • The rather high effort in order to progress can be countered by simple tasks like base bombing (grinders) whilst the other group (shooters) kill the first group. Both are willing to invest a lot of money in top tier premiums in order to achieve their goals.

Your proposal:

  1. Your proposal looks very interesting for very experienced players looking for a way more demanding game play and who are able (and willing) to play PvP and PvE in the same match.

  2. These players have usually also the necessary knowledge about how aerial warfare works irl - and which goals are attached to the usage of aircraft on a tactical or strategic level.

  3. But - imho these players are totally outnumbered by the grinder / shooter pilots. If those are just by their sheer numbers the main target group for gaijin, the implementation of your proposal is not really a desired goal for gaijin, as it is imho just a niche product.

  4. Therefore an additional game mode has from gaijin’s perspective objectively seen just downsides: The number of players in the classic Air RB mode might decrease (and the potential income from top tier premiums) whilst queue time might increase. In addition the have to invest time and money to create and maintain an additional mode without any financial benefit.

  5. Imho the only “realistic” way to proceed with your proposal is to find a way to minimize financial risk of gaijin and using the “right” forum in order to gain the necessary community support.
    This means in practice:
    A) Try to work as volunteer for gaijin in order to get a grasp of the necessary investments of such a mode, and
    B) Try to get community support from the forum. It is common knowledge that they are able to convince devs to change the game if enough people support this.

Have a good one!