Air RB and its possible rework

Thats a valid point. Cant and wont argue with that.
Just one thing. Isn’t it incredibly boring and without active guidance from the aircraft radar, arent the chances of actually getting a kill quite low?

I dont think you understand what we want air rb lacks variety and is the same thing over and over fly left, fly low, spam ir missiles if you could actually fly high and get rewarded for your missile being more effective you should. even in lower lobby counts flying on the deck would still be meta if not mandatory



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Sounds interesting, but it removes the thrill of managing to get an ACE and surviving till the end of the match, and replaces it with ‘winning by tickets’, which, on its own, is fine, but I don’t think it’s a good trade-off. Sounds more like air arcade battles than what ARB is about.
And from what I can understand, fighters effectively have to baby-sit their strike teammates (which can be sometimes fun, but also very frustrating) so that they can win.

Mostly agree.

My problem, like @girl_twink, is that MANPADs ruin 1v1s as you so happen to be on the deck, just like center-map Gepards do too. SAHR should be usable, but they should be situational, not an easy way to kill someone just because the enemy had to avoid MANPADs. They are already situational enough, although they are more situational than I think are useful (hence your solution). But again, I think the on-the-deck tactic that Air RB had evolved into is fair enough, and doesn’t let R-27ERs slingers completely stomp the enemy team.

100% agree with adding random events. That seems interesting, but they shouldn’t be the main part of an air realistic match.

I think markers off other than friendlies would make it so that having radar would be much more useful (other than to detect aircraft from BVR, and to launch radar missiles). The only problem I feel like will be an issue is that it may become extremely easy to get behind the whole enemy team and launch IRCCM missiles without any detection, which is a smart but very frustrating tactic (for the enemy) that players could utilize.
If this seems too likely to be the case, I think being able to detect enemies, and have them marked, should be as it is.


But your idea involves increasing the number of playerers? In matches currently, whether they’re on City or one of the extra large “EC” maps, a furball seems to universally develop. No matter how big you make a map, as it stands most players will usually stick together.


Very well put together and there is very good suggestions for positive changes.


Most players get to the center of the map (whether it be big or small), and then the furball begins.

putting them around POIs would help with bots and people flying straight doing nothing for the team rolands would atleast make them consider the angle they are flying at not to mention other players in the area.


exactly that’s the problem there needs to be reasons to spread out which is what we are suggesting doesn’t help everyone spawns on one airfield


I imagine it in a way that fighters clear the way for their strike aircraft. Once your fighters win and path is clear strike aircraft can proceed.

We proposed MANPADs as a solution to a problem, not just because we want MANPADs for no reason. If we can come up with a better solution I am fine with not having MANPADs. @MyHugeDeck suggested more varied terrain, for example.

As for R-27ERs, that’s more of question of balance. Meta planes and missiles come and go, but the gamemode stays

I thought we would have 1 or 2 per match, per side.

We thought about including AWACS style aircraft as AI support, because we think that’s cool, but we couldn’t see what problem it would solve. With this we might have a reason to add them.

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Sure you can all stick together but that would probably lead to you losing since your enemies will just destroy your undefended objectives. At least how I imagine it

I’m thinking that their fighters may simply ignore other fighters and go for easy kills on the strike aircraft. Of course, some strike aircraft are not completely defenseless against fighters, but they are definitely more easy targets than fighters are. Maybe some friendly fighters would be able to launch an IRCCM missile while they try to hunt the attackers down, but it may be situational.

Arcade battles have more exaggerated terrain (mountains everywhere). I think this is very interesting, and should be implemented into ARB (although maybe not everywhere). Good RB maps that somewhat implement this already are maps like City, but the mountains should appear more frequently. At the moment, we have most maps where there is nothing but ground units and an extremely flat terrain.

That would be great.

That would be interesting, where destroying the AWACS may be possible, and would perhaps stop the ability for your team to detect enemies via markers? (or enemies that are behind friendly side of the map)


There is another aspect to consider and this is a big one.

How will you ensure each team has the right number of strike fighters/bombers? And even if they are there, why would dedicated fighters protect them when they can just directly go for the enemy fighters, just as it is right now?

There is no real incentive for being the protective wingman and everyone at top tier is in it for themselves. Everyone plays selfishly.


Well, back then, bombers were extremely powerful, and had the ability to win matches by bombing enemy airfield reliably. Then, it was extremely important to deal with them.

If this were to be added, the fighters would have a much greater incentive to help the team out against attackers / strike aircraft than they do now (although they still go for them since they’re an easy source of kills).


I imagine people would realize strike aircraft are crucial to wining and defend them. And I don’t mean fly next to them, although that is an option, but intercepting enemy fighters.

Btw by stike aircraft I am including fighters carrying A2G loadouts.

I agree, arcade maps are so much fun. There a lot of places on Earth with this style of terrain, could be added to RB.

Great idea.


I like fighting inside the city but the problem is that its too small and not everyone gets into the city to fight. Most dogfights take place in the bay and that’s not very interesting. Having a big map with just irregular terrain would be really cool


good point i would say you could bring multiple aircraft like in grb as we get more of course this would extend match times and at least entice you to play a different role in the same battle.


There is no way to “ensure” this. But I think there is enough players out there that like playing such planes but don’t since the gamemode currently doesn’t accommodate them very well.


Now that would fuck up the matchmaker and also make it less serious because if you can just respawn then its not the same is it


I’ve always thought some kind of respawns should come either the same aircraft that you have to pay for like sim or multiple vehicles like grb or arcade, I like the thought of a large battle of attrition instead of having to only play your life then back to the hangar so I guess that’s where we differ.

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