Air RB and its possible rework

agree with everything mate, to build on what you said about the ARH vs non ARH, i can effectively net a kill or two, in an f16AJ , but by god its difficult, so much so that i reckon most jets at 12.0 hell even some 11.7s are gonna suffer immesurably with the amraams purely due to the natior of both the missiles and platforms.

Unfortunately ARB can no longer accomodate the weapon systems or jets anymore


Yes. That’s what they do. Derail threads and troll.


To reiterate my points:
I’ve wanted air RB EC for years at this point.
I however came to the conclusion it requires War Thunder to get a new AI so it can be more than pure PVP.

So gotta wait for those.

Even if this did happen wouldnt they just use the same ‘split the player base’ excuse?

No, because it’d be in the events tab.
They’ve also never used this excuse in this context ever.

In your opinion what do you think the reason was that they removed it, but kept it for sim?

Lack of popularity.
It was a ded test by the 3rd day.
Whereas sim had over 30x the population.
Today’s sim population is more than 4x what it use to be too despite WT needing new AI to improve it.

Do you think better AI would single handedly revive it, if it was dead before?

Yes, because AI can fill rooms again and actually be a threat to players rather than be fodder for passive grinding.

We have specifically stated that we want it in the main selector.


That’s not needed since that’s exactly what the events tab was made for.
Sim is there as well.

You don’t want random rooms with EC.

It’s been almost two weeks since the “Seek and destroy” got released. I would like everyone to take a few minutes and answer some polls since a quite a lot has changed with top tier ARB with the latest update.

Have you enabled the option for smaller sized battles at BRs 10.0 and above?

  • Yes
  • No, I didn’t want to
  • No, I didn’t know about it
0 voters

How often did you get smaller matches, if you have enabled the option?

  • Almost every single game
  • Often
  • Every other game
  • One out of 3 games
  • Rarely
  • Very rarely
  • Almost never
0 voters

If you have enabled it, are you satisfied with the frequency you got into these smaller matches?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Did you find smaller matches to be more enjoyable?

  • Yes, much more enjoyable
  • Yes
  • Same
  • Worse
  • Much worse
0 voters

Would you like to have an option to exclusively play these smaller matches, even at a cost of increased queue times?

  • Yes
  • Yes, within reason
  • No
0 voters

What do you think of the smallest available maps being played at top tier. I am referring to City, small Spain, small Afghanistan.

  • Very good
  • Good
  • Alright
  • Bad
  • Awful
  • I avoid playing them
0 voters

Did you notice anything different gameplay wise on the updated Golah Heights (air spawns) mission?

  • Yes, it was better
  • Yes, it was worse
  • No
0 voters

At absolute top tier (12.7 and 13.0) do you enjoy using ARHs and gameplay surrounding them, assuming you have them unlocked (ie. you are not stock grinding)?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

At absolute top tier (12.7 and 13.0) what do you think about changes to multipath propagation (lowering it from 100m to 60m)? Again, assuming you are not stock grinding.

  • Good change
  • Bad change
  • They should have lowered it more
0 voters

What do you think of the multipath propagation change at BRs from 10.7 to 12.0? Has it positively affected gameplay? Keep in mind that most planes here don’t have good or any kind of radar missiles and the few that do are absolutely dominating right now.

  • Good change
  • Bad change
  • They should have lowered it more
0 voters

Should multipath be reverted for missiles found at 10.7 to 12.0 (AIM-7M/F, R-27s, AIM-54s, etc) or should a BR rebalance be done? With BR rebalance I am assuming they won’t just push them up, but rather raise the BR cap as well.

  • BR rebalance
  • revert multipath change
0 voters

Do you enjoy playing planes that have limited to no radar missile capability facing against planes with good radar missiles? Planes I am referring to are mostly in the 10.3 to 12.0 bracket. I am including planes that have no PD capable radars and/or have worse missiles than the AIM-7F/M.

  • I enjoy playing them
  • I enjoy playing some of them
  • I don’t enjoy playing them
0 voters

What do you think of the stock grind at top tier now?

  • Easy
  • Manageable
  • Rough
  • Hard
  • Near impossible
0 voters

Do you think top tier planes should get 2 radar missiles stock in addition to 2 IR missiles?

  • Yes, 2 ARH missiles
  • Yes, 2 SARH missiles
  • No
0 voters

Do you think planes at top tier should get full set of countermeasures stock?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

How do you generally find top tier gameplay to be now compared to before the update?

  • Much better
  • Better
  • The same
  • Worse
  • Much worse
0 voters

Thank you for you time! If you came to this post from the OP, you can return to it by clicking here.


Great poll, i hope Gaijin sees this


I’ll tag some community managers in a few days, when we have more votes


I don’t, because at this point they will take the easiest option which would be smaller matches for everyone with no fixed to gameplay.

They already did the knee jerk reaction of just basically removing multipathing without fixes, BR decompression and just a disregard for any sense of how would badly it would effect anyone who didn’t want to spend GE to skip straight to unlocking crucial mods.

Not to mention that non meta jets have become pretty unplayable.


Should add a part about what the multi-kill reward should be changed to when on a small team. killing 4 out of 10-12 is different than killing 4 out of 16 for that 100% bonus). It needs to scale the same, or else gajin will just be glad to reduce RP gains further.


I mean, it seems that most (like 90%) people like smaller matches, or at least don’t mind them.

Removing MP was the fix.

can’t argue with that.

It is more exaggerated now, but has always been a problem.


I can’t edit the post to add more polls, that broke it last time. I didn’t think of this when I made them, I’ll throw it in when I tag CMs in a few days.

EDIT: I also have no evidence that “small” games net less RP, I haven’t played enough of them.


No problem and great work with the polls, I just think it prudent for everyone to keep in mind what’s lost or changed when/if on a smaller team.


Multipathing was a great change, but what it did was reveal a bunch of issues, not cause them.

The IR spam meta was dogshit but what it had that the current meta does not is the ability for stock aircraft to nab unsuspecting kills as well as for players who dont understand radar to get away with it by flying low.

What they need to do is make stock vehicles more competitive (stock chaff and fox1/3s) and have a MANDATORY tutorial on notching and radar evasion to play 10.0+