Air RB and its possible rework

Had no idea, that’s awesome.

Well, I mean, if the snail is happy to do the hardest yards for you, I’d love to see what someone with actual interest of fun gameplay could turn such an asset into.

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I found this interesting looking area around Magadan.

I can see a map being on this.

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Lots of really interesting archipelago’s & peninsula’s in the Pacific / South East Asia which would make good maps too.


Gonna Add to this, now even more so with the addition of the F15E, EF2000s and rafale ARB is genuinely unplayable at top tier, the lobbies are complete chaos.
there are literally so many missiles everywhere it is impossible to correctly dodge them.
even in a gripen I am seriously struggling, the only viable jets as it sits right now are the 3 aformentioned.

16 V 16 lobbies are absolutely ludicrous for these weapon systems and platforms.
there has been no changes to ARB in god knows how many years and it really starting to show its cracks on the surface.

edit to just clarify, an F15I just wiped my full team flying in circles around his airfield, 2 rafales a gripen and mirage 5F all slapped down due to him camping.

How is any of this conductive to gameplay?
wheres the incentive to get to top tier and play the jets like the typhoon etc

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It’s been said for years that the ARB situation needed to change, and that the game mode needed to evolve into a much more tactical theater rather than a flying shooter. I hope that Gaijin now realizes that we can no longer continue in this direction and that a drastic rework is needed for the ARB top tier game


Radar/IRST automatic switching of tracking modes kinda related

Also update on the progress for the custom mission/map. I got distracted with real life stuff and Gaijin’s CDK is not the most intuitive thing to use. It’s going to take time.

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You get a brawling fest at top tier GRB, which is completely inaccurate for historical purposes, and obnoxiously repetitive (and moreso, unbalanced). Given a 12.0 MBT plays roughly on the same environments and ranges as a 1.3.

That said, what makes you think is in the game’s deepest interest to improve the gameplay loop for ARB? In their opinion, it is very likely that, as of now, is as good as it gets.

ARB EC has been passed to developers. Hopefully it actually gets implemented as a standard gamemode.


Words cannot describe how happy i am with EC being passed to the devs, it gives me a glimpse of hope =)


That’s crazy if it’s added


that this is the year for ARB EC?


I hope so.


Does anyone have news? Did Gaijin say something?

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in my opinion one massive problem is the reward system, i rally would like to have more big maps with different objectives but the problem in my opinion is that if you are flying on such a big map as a fighter and you dont see any enemys, then you found one but an other ally is faster then you and kills him, so you flew 30min around and you had no real contact. Its a really bad feeling if you know you flew 30min and dont get any reward because you were in the wrong place

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i still have the dream of a great war mode with all vehicle types on it, so maybe a event that runns for a month were we have cap points on the sea, at the coast and on the inland and maybe also in the air. In my opinion this type of gameplay could improve the use of different vehicles, for example also bad helis like the AB 205 can cap points or do reconnicance and spaas have to move with the frontline and cant simply park in the spawn. Also amphibius vehicles can cap costal and in land zones and on the otherhand dreadnoughts could be a type of arty for zones close to the sea

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Isnt it just world war mode upgraded??

partly but I hope for one big map not like in world war mode a lot of small battles

Yea thats sound very fun if u do a suggetsion its +1 from me

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ARB will always bounce back to being nothing more than a TDM, until proper objectives that have big impact on the game are implemented.

Getting more airfields and spawns should help increase duration of games, as just getting bigger maps and lowering the lobby size to 24 is just prolonging the inevitable furball.

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I believe this was discussed in this thread. We assume that RP/h would be no less than it is in ARB right now.