Air rb 13.0 br planes (esp. gripen a, mirage4k) - struggeling, need tips, having skill issue

Hey there, do you have any tips for the 13.0 planes without fox 3 (gripen a, mirage 4k)?

i am going for the swe gripen c atm, but with the gripen a, i really struggle to get anything done (at least in 13.7 matches).
how do you approach with only fox2? i can’t find a playstyle that works. sure you can pick up some kills here and there but if u want to use the strength of this rat plane, u first need to come close and i can not figure out how.
i get pressured defensive all the time, even when you try to come from unexpected angels. if someone picks u up on radar, they just throw a missile in your direction and u can abort your rat move.

best tactic so far (that works at least sometimes): trying to get a players aggro and try to engage me while away from the furball.
but it feels being useless for the team.

i have a skill issue, thats why i need some tips.

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For the mirage 4k what works for me is simple, you really go along the side where most of the team go and go down near ground level, if you have a fox 3 missile coming for you go even harder to the side, it’s really ok to reach to the battlefield a bit later.

You can both bomb a base for free, and then turn to head towards where most of the ennemy team is while coming from behind surprising them.

You have a great missile at close range (3km deathzone as long as the plane is not close to leaving it) + with the surprise effect the ennemy will have no chance.
It’s easy to get few kills each game with a base, and with the second engine you can dogfight surprisingly well when ennemies are not that great at it.

Disabling your radar can be useful as you do not actively need it for your magic 2 and it will make you stealthy by not pinging ennemy rwr while you can still know where ~ the ennemies are.

If things are not clear enough tell me.

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man im trying but having to stay on the deck when a fox 3 is coming from above you there no avoiding it idk what to do i feel its just in a bad spot… i should not be fight a EF[quote=“OceanFish, post:2, topic:193085, full:true”]
For the mirage 4k what works for me is simple, you really go along the side where most of the team go and go down near ground level, if you have a fox 3 missile coming for you go even harder to the side, it’s really ok to reach to the battlefield a bit later.

You can both bomb a base for free, and then turn to head towards where most of the ennemy team is while coming from behind surprising them.

You have a great missile at close range (3km deathzone as long as the plane is not close to leaving it) + with the surprise effect the ennemy will have no chance.
It’s easy to get few kills each game with a base, and with the second engine you can dogfight surprisingly well when ennemies are not that great at it.

Disabling your radar can be useful as you do not actively need it for your magic 2 and it will make you stealthy by not pinging ennemy rwr while you can still know where ~ the ennemies are.

If things are not clear enough tell me.