Aim 120 vs mica

You have got to be pulling my leg, the MICA is far superior to the R-77, and that’s without considering the airframes they’re mounted on.

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I would be easily proving you wrong if i had access to R-77 right now.

Mica is clearly the best missile for close range and for long range they are very similar if not the same

Lol, name one area where the R-77 is superior to the MICA.

Its my opinion and r-77 is much more consistent… MICA in top tire where other planse shot from 40KM and you need to wait until 10KM and pray they dont notch it is just bad, so bad I dont even wanna play Rafale I grinded up…

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Meanwhile, in my typhoon, if I find myself within about 20km of a Rafale, I begin to pre-defend. I know Im dead if they fire a MICA as those things are nearly unnotchable at the moment and I cant rely on the CAPTOR-M to reliably track or support an AMRAAM shot with any meaningful distance

MICA is more agile close range.

MICA has the best time to target of ALL Fox 3 missiles under 15km.

MICA is outranged by the R77 by about 5km at high altitude, high speed launch, and that’s the only thing the R77 does better. They both lack a huge amount of range however and vastly underperform.

But still its notced and chaffed so easy since you can see it… and its harder to see 40km missile especially when they come like swarm…

rafale “”““aesa””“” radar is horrible. meanwhile the kfir c10 aesa radar fcking beast

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Rafale has the best radar in game at the moment


A missile launched at 40km has no energy left. They’re easy to dodge with minimal effort.

AIM-120 has energy trust me.

R-77 has the most explosive of any modern fox3. That is a big deal for hitting people that multipath

As stated earlier,… in-game files limits the MICA-EM to 50km (50.8km with the Destroy missile sequence)

Meanwhile, in-game files States that R-77 can reach 80km max Range.

And even if your R-77 lose more energy due to Grid fins (and this is normal since every missiles overcorrect path to target), which make it seems that it can’t reach 40/50km in game, MICA-EM is affected by similar matters, as the missile never really reach the 50km max range, and are often shoot from less than 15km.

Now i can’t video prove that myself, by making a test experiment,… but you’re wrong Thinking R-77 is beaten in every flight segment.

I’ve never been splash damaged by an R-77, they usually fall out of the sky before getting that close.

MICA’s range is far superior to that of the R-77, and neither will reach 50km. Don’t use statcards, it makes you look like a fool.

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We’re talking about facts here, not opinions. The MICA does everything the R-77 does but better, plus its mounted on much more superior platforms.

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Idk about 15km cuz it drops speed very fast maybe 10km
Mid range derby is faster to the target 15-20km ofc depends on alt an then thos numbers get moved and streched

Not using statcards

i’m using GAME FILES.

Those datamined by Gszabi

And those shows what i told you.

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The mica might be better on most circunstances but the higher missile count of the flankers, specially the su-27sm, balances that, with the mirage 2k which is at the same BR you need to be more conservative with your launches.

To be fair any missile with PL12 levels of pull is good enough for extreme HOBS launches, R77 and micas surpass that.

The R77 is the better missile to splash damaging people near ground.