Aim 120 vs mica

Ever heard of how Datalink work in-game?

you’re in SRC PD mode,… you should be using a TWS one (Radar)
all are in the names:
TWS - Track-While-Scan
SRC PD - Search with Pulse Doppler filter

so you basically said to your missiles:
“the target is here, now don’t use Datalink to refresh informations, and guide yourself on the last know interception point you knew 25 km before.”

Of course AIM-120’s wouldn’t be able to track, neither does MICA-EM in such condtions, as the target is moving out of the last known interception point !!!

Stop playing Fox-3 if you can’t learn the single shit about how to use such missiles.

a Fox-3 internal radar works only at ranges of 16km maximum, but before you’re missile is even there the target is 2 km away from interception point.

God,… i just saw your mistake on third Video, but that was the same reason in all videos.

  1. You were under mach at the time of your first launch, and barely above for the subsequent launches.

  2. Range was 23km on first launch.

  3. Subsequent launches were all at notched/cold targets.

Honestly, it’s like you’re purposely giving your missiles the worst launch conditions possible.


the problem is existant but the worst is that he don’t use Datalink feature

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You know, I didn’t even look at that part of it all, just the glaring issues with the launches themselves.

As I said, he’s setting them up to fail on purpose it seems.


yeeah that’s what i thought too at 1st., but i noticed the problem on last Vid, then checked the 3 of them to see same user-mistake.


The radar literally tells you if the missile is in range.

Screenshot 2025-01-07 201516

On the right hand side of the radar, you have a number of lines. Those arent random.

The Short line at the top is the absolute maximum range the selected missile has under the current conditions (factoring both your launch conditions and the targets direction of travel.)

The long line is how far away the target is.

The Box is the LSZ or Launch success zone. With the long line within this box, the target cannot kinematically defeat the missile

the short line at the bottom is the minimum range of the missile. (far more important for missiles like Skyflash DFs, but rarely an issue for an AMRAAM)

So long as your long line is between the 2 short lines then it should have enough energy to hit the target, so long as the target doesnt change direction significantly. Fired within the LSZ and the missile should hit regarldess of what turns the target might make except the most extreme. (of course doesnt mean the missile cant be defeated by either Multipathing or Notching/Chaff)

Screenshot 2025-01-07 201708

If you look at your second shot. The missile was never going to hit and the radar told you that much.


It did hit, just didnt kill for some reason, I did have something similar earlier, so not sure what is going on, but I think thsi might be a test flight issue as I havent had any problems in actual matches

That’s how you do it:

Missile: AIM-120A
Targets :
Circling MiG-15’s with a speed of about 780 km/h (average)
Radius of the circle is about 3 km

Launch parameters:
1st missile :
42 km range from target
Initial Altitude : 8550m
Initial Speed : 1243km/h IAS (true airspeed) (above/nearly above Mach 1)

2nd missile :
34 km range from target
Initial Altitude : 8140m
Initial Speed : 1380km/h IAS (true airspeed) (about Mach 1.15)

1st missile is passing by the intended target at 3.4 km behind because Mig-15 is “going cold” when missile arrives on target.
2nd missile kill on the Circling MiG-15 (“Hit”, but damage control crashes soon after end of video)

Should be possible with similar configuration of launch parameters with EF-2000 AIM-120B
Notice that at no time, i have any sort of forced lock onto my targets, so i remainned “invisible” to most RWR

80km range shots would be possible for a Mach 1 target flying straight towards me.

Taunt: i dare you to do the same with a MICA-EM in game


Mica is my favourite fox3, Aim 120 my least favorite but they do outrange their peers. PL12’s are probably the best in versatility, good range and still good maneuverability for HOBS

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You have got to be pulling my leg, the MICA is far superior to the R-77, and that’s without considering the airframes they’re mounted on.

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I would be easily proving you wrong if i had access to R-77 right now.

Mica is clearly the best missile for close range and for long range they are very similar if not the same

Lol, name one area where the R-77 is superior to the MICA.

Its my opinion and r-77 is much more consistent… MICA in top tire where other planse shot from 40KM and you need to wait until 10KM and pray they dont notch it is just bad, so bad I dont even wanna play Rafale I grinded up…

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Meanwhile, in my typhoon, if I find myself within about 20km of a Rafale, I begin to pre-defend. I know Im dead if they fire a MICA as those things are nearly unnotchable at the moment and I cant rely on the CAPTOR-M to reliably track or support an AMRAAM shot with any meaningful distance

MICA is more agile close range.

MICA has the best time to target of ALL Fox 3 missiles under 15km.

MICA is outranged by the R77 by about 5km at high altitude, high speed launch, and that’s the only thing the R77 does better. They both lack a huge amount of range however and vastly underperform.

But still its notced and chaffed so easy since you can see it… and its harder to see 40km missile especially when they come like swarm…

rafale “”““aesa””“” radar is horrible. meanwhile the kfir c10 aesa radar fcking beast

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Rafale has the best radar in game at the moment