If the missile is going under mach 1, your opponent flew into it. Flat out. You’re either lying or you’re just that misinformed. I get hits at 40km and even then my missile is going well over mach, usually closer to mach 2.
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And i’m sure that missile totally caught that f15c going 300kph faster too. So full of it dude.
When did I say that this missile caught its target?? This was just a recent reply of a match I not long ago played that I launced at 35mi from target and I pulled this screen shot from the reply to
call out your bullshit and you calling me a liar that a missle will still be at Mach 1.5 - 2.0 by the time it reachs 40km ( 24.8mi ) as you stated.
So you either provide proof of your claim like I have or lesening your attitude abit. You could have just admitted I wasn’t lying and appologized but instead you act like an A-hole towards me
No, you provided an edge case which is irrelevant and acted as if its the rule. Of course missiles slow down. What I said is that missiles when they actually engage targets in war thunder shouldn’t spit frag backwards the way they do and you responded with a nonsense edge case where the missiles doesn’t even hit the target. So no, you’re full of it.
That Thread derailed quickly,…
Fragments from an aim-120a/b should have a velocity of somewhere in the 1500 m/s range. With most of the fragments being propelled at an additional vector perpendicular to the missiles initial vector. Very little of the warheads fragments are going to be expelled in a vector directly opposite of the missiles initial vector.