That’s the primary criticism of radar missiles I’ve adopted from the community.
I thought the only concern was undefeatability until last year when someone brought that up in the Brimstone topic.
I then considered how many potential teamkills that’d be… 5 - 20.
Far more than someone with a reckless FAB-5000 could pull off, and the radar-missile slinger would do it unintentionally, thus not even bannable. An unbannable teamkilling weapon… That’s the worst part.
Also Mi-35M doesn’t have half its missiles. It has all of its missiles that the devs are aware of it using.
At least one version of the Mi-35 has wiring for AGMs on one side of the aircraft IRL according to unclassed docs I’ve read.
Not sure why that is the case.
And now Gaijin add another x6 KH-38 with separate type of aircraft but still no FnF brimstone because it will operate risk free of SPAA?
Total Double standard clown
I only play ground nowadays in the context of SRE. I think any top clans can utilize brimstones effectively, anyways mmw radar would be miserable for people in the ground for the mere fact you can’t smoke it.
Our air constantly calls out “ground smoke” and we can utilize double popping to move out enough of the way to defeat IOG, mmw Radar would not get defeated this way
Top clan can vs even new born baby can is different
Like anyone who face Russia ground isn’t miserable already (and will be more miserable in up coming update)
Anyway since Gaijin can make SAL brimstone (which brimstone don’t have it) they can also make Brimstone IR too but they don’t
It’s quite ammusing when I hear this coming from you. Looks like my previous got removed because it ruffled some feathers lol. For someone who accuses others of spreading/beliving Russian propaganda, they sure can’t take the heat…
For anyone else who is reading this (mainly for @Armen_Lozone), here’s the context of that previous post.
The author had a suggestion of two weapon systems. The AGM-84E SLAM and the AGM-154C JSOW.
To put it simply the both use a IR+GPS+IOG guidance system where the IR seeker is derived from AGM-65D.
Both are subsonic weapons. The SLAM is a missile where as the JSOW is a glide bomb.
When it comes to the range they are quite high however due to map size, this will hardly be ever used. In addition, there already exists extreme range munitions, for example you can get a point lock 20+km on the KH38.
As you can see, the SLAM is better than the mavericks but it is still worse than the KH-38. And the JSOW is just a glide bomb with better guidance capabilities.
This is what he said:
The issue that many have with him is not with his stance on IR agms as a whole but his stance that all IR agms are as potent as each other.
SLAM and JSOW if implemented right now is not game breaking because there already exists an AGM (KH38) that is more potent than them.
KH-38ML being the faster, longer range missile, which still puts the Brimstone at a disadvantage in some scenarios, but the sheer number of Brimstones you can carry makes it for it. I don’t think their play styles would differ much.
The MT is pretty much everything Gaijin said about the Brimstone on release, it’s unfair, unbalanced, can be fired outside AA range and can’t be countered by players on ground. So why is it allowed to stay?
Since all you care about is upsetting people, we can dismiss your posts.
Laughing at others being upset is trolling 101; if that’s not your intent then I highly recommend removing/editing your posts to omit such things.
Here are all the things I actually said BTW:
1- IR AGMs are not identical to each other when directly compared. - Me, unknown year prior to 2022 - present.
This statement has never changed. I’ve never said that IR AGMs are equal to each other in a direct comparison.
2- IR AGMs in War Thunder in mixed battles modes are equally OP due to SPAA’s inability to destroy their carrier aircraft. [This may have been poorly written in the past.]
3- Being equally OP DOES NOT mean they are identical to each other in a direct comparison.
4- Kh-38 was the best missile at introduction in a direct comparison to other IR AGMs at the time, something I’ve believed since that dev server.
5- Hammer is currently the best IR AGM IMO at this time.
Instead of inventing strawman fallacies to argue against, just say you hate it when Armen and I say Kh-38 is OP, or agree with us that it’s OP.
Cause I agreed with you in the past that Kh-38 was the best IR AGM in a vacuum [aka direct comparisons to capabilities] multiple times…
And yes, I posted that I want the AGM-84E in-game. What of it?
Riiight, because you totally did not just say that:
The AGM-65s are already the KH-38 equivalent missile as well for the foreseeable future.
It does…
If not identical, there exists pros and cons to each system where they can be seen as equals. As @Armen_Lozone have already suggested, the KH38 is by far the most OP agm in game. More potent than the Hammer and the Mavericks.
You don’t…
If you agreed with him, then you would agree that aircrafts that only use the mavericks need a better agm such as the SLAM. Or, you would agree that the KH38 needs to get replaced with a lesser version.
No you don’t.
I have not stated there the best IR agm in a vacuum because they are the best in actual use. There’s a big difference between the two, stop pretending that they are the same.
No you didn’t
Those weapons would take months to develop and balance for BR placement; though of course they should be added when ready
They could be added right now (to at least top tier aircraft) without any need of balancing.
I am telling you that the language I chose was specific for a reason.
For ground RB/SB, once any AtG munition is OP, anything more powerful than it is just going to be as OP UNTIL there’s a SPAA that can only frag the carrier of the weaker AtG munition.
That’s my point, that’s always been my point here.
IF, huge if with how the game is right now, SPAA enters the game that can frag only AGM-65 carriers, THAT weapon stops being OP in ground modes, and only the longer-range [or generally superior] AGMs remain OP.
And no, Hammer/Kh-38/PGM_3 don’t need replaced. New SPAA is necessary instead.
And thanks for proving I said I want AGM-84E in-game by quoting me saying I want it in-game, multiple times.
That’s not how game development works. Weapons aren’t added now, they’re added when THEY ARE READY to function in the game’s code.
Which is what I said: “They should be added when they are ready.” The context was a video game, meaning when they are ready to function in the game’s code.
Obviously I want them to prioritize neat weapons that can be balanced in the current BR range; that doesn’t mean I’m going to have unrealistic expectations for development time.
I do apologize if my previous posts weren’t specific enough; I’m working on that as well as being more tactful with my statements in general.
You’re missing the entire point of that statement. I’ll explain it in simpler terms. The SLAM doesn’t require equivalent systems, balancing, BR changes as there already exists a much powerful agm at the same BR. Other than the development time for the missile to work, it can be added as soon as possible.
I stated “and balance for BR placement”, NOT your interpretation.
Just ask for clarification in the future. It helps provide feedback to me that you didn’t understand, while allowing me to rethink how to word things like that. Okay?
Now for the clarification:
Gaijin needs to make sure the weapons are at the correct BR within the existing range.
I think they could be part of 12.7 [ideally 13.0 in the next ground BR adjustment for aircraft alongside the other IR AGM carriers for now, my opinion will likely change if SPAA, max-ranges, etc change].
That’s all I meant by that statement.
I apologize if my initial statement wasn’t easily understood, but I still don’t know how to word it better.
Again, I apologize that my previous posts weren’t specific enough. Instead of combative posts, I’d appreciate it if you just flat out said “Your posts are vague and annoying to read.” cause I’ll understand that; better if you point out what exactly you feel is vague.