AGM-65G on swedish Gripen C?

Didnt Gaijin wanted to add the AGM-65G to the swedish Gripen C? I thought ive read something about it from a Mod in the forums in one of the Seek & Destroy threads?

It just got the RB 75T, without the IR Seeker which makes the italian Gripen with AGM-65G still way better.

Does any1 know if thats still planned or will not happen? I dont want to grind the Italy techtree just to have the same jet in the end.

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Thanks :)

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Still not here, and it would take fuck all work.

I’d stop defending that claim of theirs, I don’t see it happening unless we start bitching about it.

we haven’t gotten a minor update yet, only patches.

They just snuck it in!
its here now!

That’s a fucking surprise.

Real question is if we have to get it as a module?

AGM-65D and AGM-65G

Since this thread exists I just ask here. What is the better one? D is with Heat warhead. G’s seems to just have HE ones. Which of these two is to prefer? They seem identical beside the warhead.

We do, its placed after the Rb75T modification.

I might have missed it but I didn’t see the D version on the Swedish JAS39C.

The Rb75 and Rb75T are both TV guided.
The AGM-65G is IR and MUCH better than both the others.

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Course we do. Because heaven forbid minor nations actually get treated well. Always something extra in the way, even though there is literally no reason for 75t to be an extra modification.

Or apparently they were sane for once and it seems they’ve taken out one of the mods to group them, unless my memory is failing.

Yeah, its only one modification for both the RB75 variants and then one extra for the AGM-65G.
I think that is completely fine.

Whether D or G is better depends on the missile’s platform. If it’s the JAS39C, then G is the only choice; you have no other option. However, if it’s the F-16C, D is superior. Its damage effect has been enhanced, and it can carry six missiles, giving you more opportunities to destroy more targets.

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