Do any of you mates ever notice after an update, not every one, maybe major or minor,…Is your cannon or machine gun fire just a little off?
I will go for two months and its like I have it dialed in again, can hit what I fire at in short bursts, I started using 800m convergence in 2013 and got used to that, and I would say I am a good shot…then all the sudden after some update I cant hit the side of a barn, then dial it in again…then, same thing happens two months later.
Is it just me or do any of you ever notice this?
Funny you mention that, I mostly play ground RB but I have noticed ny timing and point of aim is consistently, slightly off. Fortunatelu it’s not bad enough to make a difference.
Anton Yuditsev mentioned something about an addiction prevention system that makes the game unpleasant if you spend too much time playing it, or if your aim is unrealistically too good. This was a decade ago tho.
This is probably that system kicking in.
I have observed that on major patch days and perhaps 1-2 days after, aiming is changed slightly.
I assume this is due to the changed code which will require new timing fine tunings. These tunings will be done quickly, so after a brief time, it stops to be noticable. Or maybe it is just increased serverload on patch day.
Just guessing.
Thats what Im thinking too, Thank You