After 8 years I came back to try War Thunder....My thoughts

It’s incredible the amount of complaints this game receives these days, and it’s even more incredible how simple people ignore it and keep doing crap


I woulld disagree, a lot was done by Gaijin when it comes to cheaters and finally they have admitted that they exist (Not like in old days when You would get banned on forum for showing that someone is cheating).

Again, not really. There are still large maps much larger than we had 8 years ago.

We have a lot of great maps, players just don’t like them.

It is because of voting system.

Woah. Economy was changed due to players pressure.

Nothing new, they were always here and still are. A lot of people will try to lie to You about things and the best thing to do about them is to just check their profile and see how they really are.

I would suggest finding a proper squadron/people to play with. It can really improve the gameplay and change they way how You look at the game. If You play solo, then You will always ‘suffer’.

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Very good Corporate Talking Points!

My mistake. I should never have returned to War Thunder. I’ll be removing the software from my computer. I’ll bet that very soon, this thread will disappear.

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After playing more than 10 years this is what I have seen and understood.


No one wants city maps.

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They are large but most of them have artificial restrictions.


WT players increased rapidly. 3 or 4 years ago, 120k online is the most when there are events. Now, it’s 220k+. Increasing plays, so will be increasing horrible guys and immature teens, and they throw their silly ideas around, easily fill the community.
Most of players is still well mannered, but silent. But we are always there for you.
It’s always nice for me to see some ideas from the elder, cab be inspiring.


Stat shaming is a dumb thing, people have their play style, so you can’t force you’s upon them however they can better understand your style to incorporate and modify it to benefit them. Aside from that many of the issues will never go away. It’s a marketing system that will and has failed Gaijin but due to War Thunder being in its category. It is essentially failproof for now.


I want and many people do.

Depending on B.R. and mode You are playing.

Doesn’t change the fact that if You die more than You kill, You are a burden to Your own team.

Doesn’t change the fact that if someone says that vechicle ‘x’ is effective, his stats shouldn’t contradict that.

Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet.

In the past, people have attempted to dox me, have threatened me of rape and death, threatened me of murder of “my loved ones”, slandered by even falsely accussing me of certain crimes and spreading lies online to fuel that slandering… they even sometimes fully and openly admitted that they subjected me to extreme harassment in an attempt at making me commit suicide out of desperation because “I ruin War Thunder and I would be doing a favour to the world by killing myself”…

All because they considered me to be “a dogshit player” (even though I am average or slightly above average) because I said that I thought playing the objective was important to win and that compression currently forces some tanks face other tanks they shouldn’t face (“SkIlL iSsUe” according to them).

Those “mega-super-pro” players that appear to live for their stats and harass others over being “noobs” are a disease to this community, as they are for gaming in general.

The best way to deal with these animals is to not even acknowledge their existence, report them and block them. Their lives are so meaningless and miserable that they find joy in harassing those they consider to be “inferior”, so screw them.

Gladfully, this Forum’s moderation staff, as well as Reddit’s WT sub mods, take all of this quite seriously, and they do a wonderful job at keeping them in check as long as they are reported or briefly up to attention in some way.


This is so hilarious that you still keep this garbage up… No-one is good at the outset and they have a learning curve, be it that you’ve spent 4 times longer than me playing, yet you hold your high K/D with ‘honor’ the problem is you weren’t always like that from the outset, so you can’t compare it.

But you wield it like a club, just for the pure sake of it.

Your fixation on this ‘issue’ or ‘discrepancy’ needs to be pinpointed, because you misinterpret, willingly, and constantly ignorantly that you have to get a kill, for the vehicle to actually be effective, which isn’t the case at all with a deterant based weapon.

The fact that you can’t accept this, or that people play differently to you, is absolutely off the scale moronic.

This, doesn’t actually work with some of them…

Yea, ain’t seeing this at all.

If You don’t do that then it is not effective, quite simple.

The forum moderation takes all things seriously and work toward a better environment for everyone.

You’re ignoring everything as usual, quite ignorant.

Left to its own devices that air threat will destroy your team, and if you don’t spawn anything to actually distract it, or make it go away and not be so close, then you’re going to struggle more.

Spawn SPAA, don’t tell people not to bother… Don’t statshame people who merely suggest to spawn it because it’s actually there to use for that role.

It doesn’t matter if YOU think it’s ineffective or not, if you don’t try, you’ll definitely fail. There’s a reason this game has respawns and backups.

You can always use the air if You have to fight the air. SPAA are not effective.

If I will have 4 people in SPAA in my team who can’t even kill an air unit, then they are just an obstacle as they in most cases won’t even be able to do anything to enemy tanks.

If You are going again to throw a tantrum over that You have been proven wrong, then just don’t use forum.

As always, if You can’t kill more than You die, You are a burden to Your team.

Sorry but I won’t be responding to tantrums.

Come back after You calm Yourself and when You are ready to have a proper discussion.

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You don’t engage faithfully anyways, so what’s the point brick wall.

After all, you’re the one not accepting the other opinion or statement, other than your stat reliance… That’s how troll you actually are lol… What a joke of a ‘discussion’ it would be anyway, because you are the one drilling the dismissal every time.

I always engage faithfully.

That is why I say that instead of using SPAA that is not effective, people should be using the air.

Sorry, but opinion or statment can be challanged as it should be on forum. If You want everyone to just agree with You, then forum is not a good place for You.

Again, come back when You would like to have a discussion about something.

Typical brick wall. Can’t avoid the facts that you statshame at every opportunity, then get all fixated on those stats making discussion with you absolutely a waste of effort.

If you can’t accept that I CAN flinch a plane to crash into the ground and not be counted as a kill, or cap a point and actually not have that creditted or tracked on my stats, or that I can get assists and not have it counted on my stats, then you’re ignoring a HELL of a lot of actual facts there…

But really, this has just proven that you are as I knew the entire time… You’re just a troll who enjoys riling people up, rather than actually engaging.

The fact that it’s never been a dismissal from my end, and always from your end, makes it clear that you are genuinely just fixated on those precious numbers more than the ‘’‘discussion’‘’ that comes from these forums.

And in saying that, I think you, should be the one to be reassessed as to where you reside on these forums, because of that factor.

lol, there was no discussion, you just statshamed me until I got upset, then you fixated on the ‘tantrum’…

As I mentioned to the OP, the players are a lot of the issue, and thinking of themselves too much compared to actually being a player and being in the team, is the trouble…

You, call for people to avoid roles of vehicles, by proclaiming they are useless, without accepting that they can be useful if used appropriately… And that leads to an unreasonable situation where someone expects their good stats to carry the team, and be better than everyone because * checks profile * my stats are better than yours.

I have asked You many times to provide something that could show what You were talking about. You didn’t so I used what is available.

You can be angry at Yourself for that ;).