Advanced artillery vehicle in the ww2 scenario

Closest thing to what I want, just made worse by devs.

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Then what on earth are you talking about on a thread where OP’s having a skill issue fighting some of the clunkiest tanks ingame?

Why not?

use context and figure it out? I reply to who I reply to.

Can’t prove a negative, it’s not relevant because it isnt

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You are against 60s artillery fighting WW2 vehicles.

They are on par or below-average for the most part compared to said WW2 vehicles ingame.

You want immersion. Go into a immersive custom battle. Shouldn’t be hard to find other players if there are so many other people wanting immersion.


I am not complaining about their performance.


Custom battles are not an acceptable solution. This is the last time I will give you the benefit of the doubt and type this out for you to read.


Then what about? Because if it’s your “immersion”, I will say it again and hope it gets through your skull this time: This game has never been immersive to the extent you’re pining for, and never will unless you stop blindly playing RB.

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You trying to tell me the game that I already played in the past didn’t exist? Because the only changes I want made are REVERSIONS of existing changes…


Why not? Give an explanation why you think it’s not an acceptable solution.

Changes like adding postwar vehicles? That have been ingame since the very start?

Because I have to put in an extreme amount of effort in comparison to when the game was simply better in my view? Because I’d still have to PLAY the worse RB mode to get vehicles to play in customs?

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Changes like nation matchmaker being removed in favor of arcade style lineups… that’s legitimately my main concern yet you’re acting like it’s something else. The copypaste is my 2nd concern but that can’t be fixed since gaijin shit the bed.


See it as more realism. You have to form an army to go to war.

See it as me ending this conversation with you

I would agree and I see the artillery spam as a step too far.I see so many nations wanting to be added but fear for low tiers being flooded with late/modern vehicles.

You want immersion go play ,sim,custom battle,go play this go play that etc etc .How about ,if you want juvenile rubbish you go play fortnite and run around with a saucepan on your head ,seems about right for you and your cronies 😆 …


ShermyDragon ,Another war thunder history expert with only 4000 games.