- yes add 120c-5 to f18c
- no!! f18c get no 120c-5
- bruh i dont care!!
9X blk.1 too
no 9x is not in this conversation please stick to why f18c would deserve 120c-5 only f18c not f15 nore f16c only new plane can get 120c same as su30 r77-1
for time being
The F-15E and F-16C could retain the AIM-120B for now, as they are already faster and more agile than the Hornet. The Hornet’s niche as a slower, multirole jet justifies giving it a better missile to offset its weaknesses.
Adding the AIM-120C-5 would let the Hornet compete in the same BVR “sniper” role as its peers, rather than being relegated to a disadvantaged support fighter i would be fun too
Maybe in a few patches
sorry my bad
Sure, but we really dont need that in the game right now, much rather have aim9x in the game on the hornet in a few patches
this aligns with the Su-30SM design it’s a heavy, slower flanker but thrives thanks to its R-77-1 and its range and agility it could compete as bvr and wvr The Hornet would mirror this with better missiles and superior nose authority without counting the copra button
please dont speak of other weapons and missile there are other people who talked about them im here only for 120c-5 and f18c so keep it that way thank you
no problem at all just keep it in the 120c5 and f18c
The AIM-120C-5 would make the F/A-18C viable not dominant at 14.0 BR. Just as the Su-30SM needed the R-77-1 to offset its speed disadvantage against Western jets, the Hornet deserves a missile upgrade to fulfillll its role as a capable multirole fighter. This change would improve balance without breaking the meta, ensuring all nationss have competitive toolss
technically not all nations but USA and Sweden
No, you cannot have a discussion on wether you should or should not add 120c5 excluding other weapons, or potential alternatives.
One big NO. Its already competitive enough just because of the ammount of ammrams it posseses, how it gets used thats up to the players. And better missiles mean nothing if people can just multipath it, not to mention that if it were to include better range to comparing to A or B models, that might result in literarly everyone hugging the deck from the start negating any form of ARH or SARH missiles
I’m convinced that people are just so taken aback that the missiles are relatively balanced at the moment whereas they haven’t been for a year, so obviously this must be imbalanced.
I guess some people just think that when something new comes out it has to be the best…
an 120b from f18c at 6km an Mach 1.40 can’t break Mach 4 while f15e same time can get to 10km and Mach 1.60 and its aim120b would be at Mach 4.30 to 4.50 and su30m at 6km and Mach 1.30 its r77-1 can reach Mach 4.20 + comfortably
you can say the same to su30 has 12 vs 10