Add option to toggle nuke air raid siren

Text is easy, but what happens is changes to the files that do that happen (Around updates and additions), then those ‘stop working’, same with the sounds.

But your want could be provided by a sound mod just to replace the nuke siren could be something to ask about for… It could be something to replace it with a song or something.

Yakkity sax, or something corny could prove quite popular, it just needs a good selection.

Way I see it:
Someone deploys a nuke aircraft. Client gets asked to initiate siren sound. It reaches out to a file that doesn’t exist. Error occurs.
From there - is it really going to just skip the error or will it crash?
Or is the sound loaded when I start up the game and I’ll see a crash there?

You make a sound file that matches… It’ll just play whatever it has.

Similar to this

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You should be fine. I have had outdated sound mods that didnt have the sounds for new cannons. It just made those guns silent for me and didnt crash.

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Then use headphones?

You make a file identical to the sound file that uses the Nuke alarm. But it’s silence.
However, this would go into the mod folder and would need to be updated if it breaks.
Aside from this, the thread has been rather amusing. On just how questionable the intellectual conversations can quickly become when it is a jury vs a defendant.

Well, sounds like your problem. Turn your sound down?

Just wear headphones, dude. It’s not that complicated.

It’s not hard to get headphones, or even ear buds, that don’t suck to wear.

You’re just wanting to be catered to and the petulant attitude about it is unimpressive. Get over yourself, get some headphones/earbuds and you’ll be fine.


Stop trolling.

Dont worry, 90% games you wont hear it anyway.
And if you are living in area where that kinda sound may frighten people.
There are few options.

  1. Lower the volume of game.
  2. Mute the game.
    3.Dont play the game, or play low br enough that no nuke is possible.
  3. Most likely best option, is to get some sort of headphones. Usually even those cheapassfree headphones what came from older phones etc are somewhere in your dads drawer collecting dust.

And while they’re at it, the Stuka siren too, especially that 1.3 one that STILL won’t shut up after it starts.

what is this thread lmfao

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It does when you know what speed it works at… I grew real efficient in getting it to fire up when I was actually starting a pass.

It’s like 300kmh or something.

Not trolling. Feel free to keep acting like a petulant brat, though.

Not so great when you are bomb truckin’ as fast as you can…

You’d have to wonder if they ever had a pin to pull to let it loose so they could speed, and then switch it on whn they got to the field…

IIRC the first model with it couldn’t be turned off and the crews quickly got them to put a control on it. Maybe that is what its supposed to represent. Looking at the wiki it says it starts yelling at under 2,500m AGL.
I don’t play that one (Ju 87 B-2) if I can help it.

If a source could be found with a control to make it a modification, could be something to look towards.

It’s a good model, the issue many have with the stuka itself is the drop cradle making drops tricky as the natural instinct is to pull up as soon as you drop, but with stuka, gotta sit for a second keeping it going.

All i gotta say is
