Add option to toggle nuke air raid siren

I just experienced the first nuke in a match and it was preceded by a solid couple minutes of air raid siren. I live in an area that gets frequent sirens so any sound imitating a siren can frighten people in my house.
Yes, I know it’s different from a conventional one but the vast majority of people won’t notice the difference when they automatically react to that wailing.

Is there an option to toggle it on/off? If not, Gaijin please add one.


Better option: Buy headphones

Or, turn volume off altogether

Edit: This was hidden yikes you guys


How about not being a smartass?


It’s not possible, I myself played a few years without sound in wt and then on speakers but I didn’t hear the game anyway because I often watched yt instead of playing, yes I know war Thunder is an interesting game :)

No sorry. If you want you can make a suggestion on these forums.

Damn people get so upset on the forums for anyone merely not aligning with thier want…

Some of you actually have to learn about the purposes of forums and that opinions and statements can be differing. We don’t have to align to your want or demands.

Stop calling people names and swearing like you’re 6.

(Edit - False flaggers begone. Needed to be more active moderation compared to this community flagging over a week after he fact…)


Agreed. I asked a simple question and some people here started cursing like the mere action of asking has offended their ancestors.

I was referring to you…

(Edit - False flaggers begone.)


I play on 10% volume.

If ya’ll can’t be civil because you got a slight opportunity to mock people’s PTSD, don’t comment here. I already got my answer that there’s no such option in settings. So all you’re doing right now is making a mockery of yourselves.

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You’re actually trying to gatekeep after being pointed out that it’s silly to think that you’re playing a war game, on high volume around people with PTSD and you won’t turn it down or use headphones… Rather the game has to give you one toggle for the siren alone.


You’re trying to gatekeep by telling people they must use headphones or completely mute the game’s sound for 2 minutes otherwise they’re not allowed to play the game.

Headphones my man. $30, best investment you can make.


No, you came here posting a topic, people commented, you then got upset that they weren’t agreeing with you, then you brought in the swearing and name calling, and now you are gatekeeping by trying to stop us commenting.

Please learn words and what they mean.

We’re just objecting to your want, and suggesting the better option.


I came here to ask if there’s a toggle. People started suggesting I just spend more money and do something I’m clearly physically very uncomfortable with, while name calling, and you think that’s legitimate?
You can piss right off.

Headphones are the best option for this. You get better directional hearing and you can change around the sound settings to fit your preference.

You dont need to buy a $200 headset and i dont see gaijin adding a toggle for a sound that is supposed to warning you. Same reason why RWR, which is rather annoying, doesnt have a toggle


There are no employees in this topic.
Headphones are universal. Use them with phone, computer, console, etc.

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You are confused about what gatekeeping is and you telling me to piss off because you don’t like what is said IS gatekeeping…

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I can’t wear headphones for more than a few minutes at a time because they physically hurt me and they take a significantly higher toll on my hearing than any alternative.
I also frequently speak with the people around me when I’m playing, which naturally is much less comfortable with headphones.

Honestly I’m not even sure if imitating a siren is legal in my country.

Just answer the question:
Is there a toggle option for air raid sirens in game?