Add option to toggle nuke air raid siren

No, there isn’t… And your issue is revolving about your story, not being realistic…

Who has thier sound blaring so loud that it affects the neighbours… You’d end up with noise complaints and hostile neighbours just for your want to flex your sounds.


Then something doesnt add up in your story.


I didn’t say my sound was loud or that my neighbors heard it. That’s just speculation on your part.
My girlfriend lived most her life in a city under constant rocket attacks. She has minor PTSD from the air raid sirens, and when I’m playing, she’s on the bed beside me. 2 meters away.

You made up an entire story in your head and used it to bash me and for what?

High volume for me is anything that allows me to clearly hear distinct in-game sounds from the speakers such as:
Engines, gunshots, artillery, aircraft, warning systems.

This means anyone in the same room as me also hears the game sounds.

Maybe next time ask what “high volume” actually means instead of making stupid assumptions.

So all you are doing is asking for something that doesn’t make any sense and being toxic. How in the hell blasting every ones ears is being able to distinct the danger.


Is irrelevant what high volume is to you, its estabilished term, meaning either large quantity of something or in context of sound, being loud.

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Define large quantity of sound. You cannot quantify it in any way that isn’t purely subjective.

What is your point here anyway? To mock people with PTSD? To mock people living under rocket attacks? Or to flex about your superior intellect?

Why sirens specifically? I can guarantee you that there are far more people sensitive to the sounds of gunfire and explosions, but we both know that isn’t a reasonable request for them to be toggled in such a game.

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Sirens are a much bigger source of PTSD in my country than gunfire and explosions, although we did take some measures such as banning fireworks almost country-wide.

And IIRC you can actually toggle off these sounds in game by lowering the sound effects volume. I’m not sure if engines are treated as separate from SFX.

My point here is to annoy you as I already stated.


Wow dude, you have girlfriend with PTSD 2m away from you and you play game with shooting, explosions and artillery without headphones near her?

Sounds like you are the toxic one.


What are you, 12?

Learn how PTSD works, kid.

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I myself play with no sound because it sets off an old dog, and if I do want sound I use headphones.

Okay, despite the fact the nuke siren isn’t even that loud, why are the people in your environment able to hear you. Don’t you think they also could be disturbed by the sounds of bombs, tanks, and everything in the environment of war thunder?


Why, looking for a date?

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  1. They’re literally in the same room as I am.
  2. They’re not disturbed. I asked. It’s just the siren that triggers a response because they think initially it’s real. My sound is quite low, on the same level as having a conversation, but my city’s sirens are also quite faint in most of my house, so it sounds like a real one.

Just a wonder, did you think of the sound mods and maybe having a blank sound put in to remove it? That could be something depending on what’s about.

Someone could easily make that for you with some knowledge.

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Yes. Are you available?

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I thought of that, but I heard mods can cause unexpected bugs. I remember wanting to put a mod for text alteration when I damage or kill someone, and heard it has to be occasionally modified. I’m generally not bugged too much by the siren sound. I just mute when it happens. But I obviously can’t really play properly during that time as situational awareness obviously depends heavily on one’s ability to hear engine and aircraft sounds.

Even despite this, asking for a thing to cater to you is insane, as very few to none would have this problem. Also, just delete the sound files for nukes, which I believe would be fairly easy… (assuming this is possible, which I believe to be so.)

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For real tho glad to see at least sense of humor remained intact.

Your best option would be a sound mod, and Im sure some of the technical moderators would be able to help if you reach out to them in private message.