Add option to hide personal file

It just made me giggle that you 2 might be on the same team 1 day 😆

Probably have been already. I don’t pay attention because I don’t often treat my " teams " as my teams. They’re a gaggle of randoms that I compete against for RP & SL.

Oh yeah … I remember the old WoT days … everyone was on fire because almost every match you got a “Siema” and then people got mad about Polish people.

Voice chat is laughably bad in some games. People can grief their teammates in so many ways, unless you mute them, just like you can mute (ignore) people on forums and in game.


1 time click to hide personal file would be even easyer

It was worse on league EUNA. They were insufferable on that game

I’m not seeing your point OP. No one’s looking at your personal file until they’ve already noticed something about how you play that makes them question if you’re a bot account or one of those Twitch streaming channels that uses software to let a goldfish play a video game to see if it might ever win via random input.


Yeah, if anything this post resulted in more people checking out OP’s playercard than they’d get in maybe a full year of regular gameplay.

And they probably wouldn’t care so much about people seeing their statcard if there weren’t things to be ashamed of, or would want to hide.

It isn’t personal information, just statistics. Very useful statistics at that, for identifying cheaters, botters, and evaluating the skill of your opponent before engaging with them.


Stats matter nearly nothing in WT lmao.

If you get offended by people looking at stats in WT, go play any competitive FPS game where they actually “matter” (as far as some numbers in a game actually matter whatsoever) and enjoy true toxicity.

If anyone calls you out on stats in this game, just laugh and move on. There’s no reason to get butthurt and offended

Law is irrelevant here. You do have a right to be forgotten BY A COMPANY, not by FELLOW CUSTOMERS, though. If you want to be forgotten by Gaijin, you can uninstall the game and write to customer service and tell them to purge all your files and data, and they should do it.

Private individuals who have no business relationship with you have no obligation to forget anything or to not know anything in the first place (provided they didn’t do illegal things to learn the info like peering through your windows from a parking garage with a telephoto lens)

Nor do you have a right to continue using a service while also demanding they delete arbitrary portions of information about you. Because their system probably can’t even work if they do that (it will crash the app).

You can just suggest it as a feature, but leave out the “LAW” nonsense, it’s incorrect.

It is correct, i can write an email to a company requesting all the data they have on me, they then have 30 days to produce it, and i have a right for it to be deleted

I dont care for people looking at my stats, no one in WT is important enough. I just dont need individuals who can not shoot me down, nick picking and crying in game chat. It generally shows how weak they are. But being a team player in a match i keep an eye on chat, and sometimes i like to engage with the enemy. There is nothing wrong with banter, taunts etc. Remeber this post is not about me. To add an option does not affect you, you will still be able to show off your legendary stats

Yes you do, otherwise this thread wouldn’t be here.

Mute them in game, problem solved.

Oh so you like to talk shit but can’t handle shit going your way ?


About muting individuals, 1 time click would solve it . Engagment with others is not talking shit

This isnt any different the real life to establish credibility.

Someone having experience and success as a NASA engineer talking about engineering is much more credible than someone who can spell engineer and read the definition one time.

You dont need to establish credibility, your not interviewing me for a job. My stats are of no use to you apart from you being nosey. Or your looking to statshame someone.

They are when talking about warthunder. Same thing applies to literally any topic. I like to build offroad vehicles, your credibility will quickly be determined by how much you know about offroad vehicles and fabrication. When you lose credibility, there isnt much to talk about.

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If i was to talk about a tank being op and 200 others say its not, my credentials wont matter because gaijin will use that units K/D over every match its played in to determin its br. And it should be my choice if i need to prove to you that have played so and so if i wish to convince you

No need to implement a system that protects you when that thing already exists.

Yes they are, if you claim vehicle A is brokenly OP and a literal monkey could play it with great effect, but somehow you yourself have 0.4 K/D and 0.5 KPB in it, this will make me believe you’re just talking nonsense and your claims have no credibility.


Depends on the context, but that scenario is unrealistic.