Add manual radar lock for SPAA just like in planes

I am fully aware of what he wants, and I already went through the reasoning of why it won’t happen. It isn’t like you said. He wants to be able to select a target with target selection (like aircraft) and have it lock on to the selected target. That is why I went on about the tracking radar thing. The systems already guide the target into your view when its searching, follow the little green arrow until it goes away. Another person even showed a video where it does so. It surely doesn’t need to find it, you click a button, and then it reorients itself and locks onto that target automatically.

quote=“KotisD, post:7, topic:75450”]
Just like in planes you see a dot on the radar, you move box at it and there you go you have a lock

Lets clarify a few things…
You are able to lock on targets if they are within FOV of the traking radar/IRST, vehicles like OTOMATIC has unrealisticly wide FOV (iaw the video nearly 180deg) so you can lock and bear guns to target easily.

But vehicles with narrow FOV of tracking radar/IRST you have to bare “guns” to target yoursself despite the system has position of a target and has they ability to beqar guns to target by single button push.

Right now we are we are stuck in ww2 era reading target azimuth manualy from the radar screen and then manualy searching for elevation through optics, depsite the 3d search radar are providing all necessary data.

Let me go back to my example, the ADATS. From what I could find, it was never fitted with a 3d radar. It was planned, but didn’t happen before the vehicle was cancelled. So it did not have the search radar providing all the nesscessary data to bear guns immediately. And this is the problem to me, being specific. The OP wasn’t specific at the start, and these vehicles have different capabilities. Allowing all of them to act like they do have a 3d search/track radar system is an outlandish idea. If a system like the Gepard actually has a 3d radar that could search and then lock the target by using target selection, by all means add that feature for it, but not all SPAA should get it.

Supposedly this is already in game via the select target to lock/lock target buttons but it seemingly doesn’t work in gunner view. I dunno, I’ve not gotten that to work, ever.