Communication actually matters in sim as by design many of the systems that are present in RB and Arcade are not present. Currently sim players have a sort of agreed-upon system of menu voice lines that ping the map in order to communicate, which is pretty limited to say the least.
The voice chat would only be in sim battles, which is a community of players within warthunder that I think are a bit more mature and should be able to handle such a feature. Obviously, it would also be optional so if you don’t want to hear a bunch of nerds yelling at each other to stop shooting friendlies that would be a possibility.
Personally I would love to be able to speak to ground units while flying a plane that I spotted something and where its at, right now that would require me using my keyboard and its just a mess and not even worth the effort.
Supported but only if its proximity chat and both sides can hear within like a .5-1km bubble. It’s simulation mode I like how hard it is, you rely on your skill and knowledge to survive and not yeet friendlies.
Something like this is also a good way around maybe with means to switch between squads so you can work more in sync with another squad and ask directly where they are what they are doing etc.
In tanks and aircraft proximity chat wouldn’t make sense. Remember these are radios. However, I do agree. Depending on the era, and the quality of the audio. You can still hear it but distance may lead to some crackling. But nothing too loud.
I don’t know why this is still not a thing in the game. Gaijin just spam adding vehicles in the games with every update and there is many broken things in the game or features that would increase the quality of the game.
Priority is to sell as much as possible so they just keep adding stuff. As an example, they brought new planes like eurofighter and rafale in the last update and made sales on the premium vehicles and now you can see them everywhere. Obviously, putting man hours to the quality of the game is not going to bring any short term profits so that’s why this is not a priority.
Yeah I am very frustrated with it. Idk if they realize how much more money they could make if they were known for having these features. People WOULD hear about how this game was incredible if they did better.
cant wait for a guy to rage so hard about having his base stolen that he screams the n-word 2*10^85 times in 10 seconds. any way a +1 for me because i would definitively be that guy but yeah i definitively could help with communication.
Best would be adding reallive radio, manny chanells, chanell for the hole team and radio in eter that could hear every one within 4 seconds, even ennemy.
Just support us in teamwork snail.