ADATS, what Gaijin got wrong


Thank you!

Would these changes be intentional in your opinion or could they have been accidental?

There’s a good chance of it going to live regardless (looking at the VBCI)

I’ll make a recording then submit a bug report when I get home. To see if any action comes of it.

There is no way to tell that from code alone.

yeah like what other code related to adats neutral steer
its prolly stealth nerf

Nothing? I don’t really understand the question.

How can it be stealth if I documented it through datamine?
If you mean how it’s not in Gaijin changelogs: They don’t have every change, never have, never will.

Is reddit more up to date than discord?

Do you mean my posts? I post simultaneously, rarely on discord only.

Bruh xD. There was literally no report (i think) and gayjin decided to add this crap while there are like 10 bug reports for corrections which stay accepted for ~5 months by now

Disregard that, I accidentally overlooked a data mine post on discord

eh if it gets through then Thenighthunter or someone else would prolly bug report it
its either oversight, or someone at gaijin department hates ADATS

Bug report for Neutral steering

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A hood classic

I’m looking for answers right now.

Round 2.


It really pisses me off when a report is denied without a single piece of evidence. If they gave a source no one would be complaining

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It happens the only thing that annoys me sometimes is them just closing it when all it needs is just more information.

Literally had to copy and paste a ticket before and just add a more detailed description of one of the linked sources.